In a nationwide fundraising campaign this October, Dementia UK is asking people to ‘Raise Your Game’ and play your favourite board games for charity. Here at Zatu we think this is an excellent way to raise money! We are delighted that two of our guest bloggers have chosen to host events to help provide dementia specialist Admiral Nurses who support families through the toughest cases of dementia. This is inline with Zatu's charitable ethos and our hospital donations.
24 Hour Sponsored Board Game Marathon!
On the 2nd October 2020 at 9am BST, Zatu guest blogger Nick T will be embarking on a 24-hour sponsored board game marathon. Nick T will be checking-in on Instagram on the hour. Sharing what games he has been playing and how tired he is feeling! Nick T will also be hosting half a dozen live interactive play-throughs on Instagram throughout the event. Winners of the many competitions he is running in the lead up to the marathon will also be announced during these Instagram Live broadcasts.
There is also bonus prizes up for grabs if you are watching when your name is drawn! Zatu has shown its support by donating Hint for one of the giveaways. Be sure to show your support too by following @boardgamereviewuk on Instagram and visit Nick’s own website www.boardgamereview.co.uk to find out more information.

Non-stop Gaming Fun!
The following weekend, on the 10th October 2020, another Zatu guest blogger, Jim Cohen, will be running a full day of non-stop gaming fun! Starting at 4am BST there will be a mix of live play-throughs, interviews, giveaways and much more. He is promising some surprises and exclusive treats scheduled for the day. More will be revealed and announced a few days before the event. Join in on the fun over at Instagram where you can follow the action @jim.gamer - the account that serves WhatBoardGame.com.
Both our bloggers want to make a difference and raise as much as they can for this worthy cause and we know you will do what you can to help raise funds for Dementia UK. Both have Just Giving pages linked via their websites. The work Admiral Nurses do is so important. They provide compassion, expert guidance and practical solutions to families with dementia, which can be harder to find elsewhere.
If you would like to ‘Raise Your Game’ and host a fundraising game night, visit the Dementia UK website: https://www.dementiauk.org/get-involved/events-and-fundraising/raiseyourgame/
