Adventure Awaits
Introducing 'What Next', the brand new 'Pick-Your-Path' adventure game where you never know what's waiting around the corner. Could be a gigantic koala, a fleet of rampaging robots or an old lady with a rocket launcher — there's just no telling. Working together with the rest of the players, your goal is to navigate your way through the adventure, conquer any obstacle you encounter and make it to the end in one piece. Oh. and you'll want to keep an eye on that Tower of Peril too. Let it topple before you reach the end and it'll be game over for everyone.
Do you have the skills to survive?
Unlike most adventure games, 'What Next' isn't just about picking the right path. Buried inside these adventures, you'll find over 60 dexterity challenges, each one designed to stop you dead In your tracks. Want to grab a vine and swing from the trees? You'll need to throw a card into the air and catch it first. Decide to walk over that old rope bridge? Well, first you'll need to flick the wooden puck across the table, without it falling off. It's important to master every mini-game you come across in these adventures — or you might not make it to the finish line.

Key Features
Three action-packed adventures
Test your skills in 'Drums of Koala Cave'. The Skyscraper Caper' and 'Blinky's Great Escape'.
60+ nail-biting dexterity challenges
From puck flicking to shape building, card snatching to time balancing.
Fully co-operative gameplay
Vote each round to decide where to go next. You'll either all win together - or lose together.

Maybe the most exciting thing we've ever made!
234 Cards, 16 item search pieces, 12 peril pieces, 3 time dials and 1 puck push challenge.