Hope you all had a great time over the Christmas holidays! Warhammer were kind enough to treat us to a double helping of miniatures with a festive theme: Da Red Gobbo’s Surprise and Da Grotmas Gitz.
Following on from recent Christmas releases like ‘Da Red Gobbo’ and ‘Da Red Gobbo and Bounca’, this time the cheeky grot had a surprise in store for unsuspecting Imperial citizens. But what has his former assistant been up to? Da Black Gobbo has also been making mischief during the holiday season!
Now I Have a Stick of Dynamite... Ho. Ho. Ho.
Da Red Gobbo’s Surprise features the titular scamp standing on top of a chimney with an explosive in his hand, gesturing for any onlookers to keep quiet about his plan to drop it inside.
The scenic base has a trail of fairy lights and baubles on the rooftop, icicles hanging from the chimney, and a candy cane-coloured grappling hook lying nearby. There is also a large sack bursting with goodies, including a paint brush, some Citadel paint pots, and explosives.
The multipart plastic kit consists of nine components on a small sprue, plus a 40mm round base. It is relatively simple to build, and Da Red Gobbo himself can be kept separate from the base until completed, to make the whole model easier to paint.
As well as being a great display piece, Da Red Gobbo’s Surprise can also be used in games of Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar. He has special abilities like Explosive Presents, which gives nearby friendly Gretchin units the Grenades keyword, letting them add 1 to the result of each roll to wound. And Da Revolushun! allows the player to remove Battle-shocked from a Gretchin unit within 12” of this model once per battle round.
Not One But Two!
Why have one festive model when you can have two? Somebody stole a big pile of gifts and Da Red Gobbo did some sleuthing to discover the culprit. To his surprise, it turned out to be his old friend Giblet, Da Black Gobbo, the leader of Da Grotmas Gitz.
This diorama features him riding atop a giant squig, with its mouth stuffed full of presents. He’s also carrying a sack, with gifts (including a tiny Space Marine model!) spilling out. The rest of his snotling gang is coming along for the ride too, clutching onto the squig as it races along, while one takes a break and happily makes a snow angel on the ground.
This Christmas model can be fielded as a Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig in Gloomspite Gitz armies and also has rules for both Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar. They’re armed with the awesomely-named melee attacks, ‘Bludgeoning Bag of Gifts’ and ‘Massive Gift-Filled Gob’. Their special aura ‘Gifts for All!’ boosts the Thievin’ Scavengers ability of Gretchin units within 6”, making it successful on a 2+ instead of a 4+.
The multipart plastic kit consists of eighteen components on a small sprue, plus a 40mm round scenic base. It isn’t too tricky to put together, but it’s probably best to paint in sub-assemblies so you can reach all the tiny details with your brush.
It’s All In The Details
These collectible dioramas are part of the Warhammer Commemorative Series and are only available until the 8th of January (while stocks last on Zatu). Both models are great for collectors as they’re lovely display pieces with loads of little details to enjoy.
Message us on social media @ZatuGames to show us what you’ve been painting over the holidays!