Welcome to another Warhammer Bulletin, taking a look each week at what’s gone up for pre-order in the Warhammer universe. Waaaagh? Yes, Waaaagh! It’s the time of the Orruk in the Mortal Realms. A new battletome plus several new devastating models are on the horizon and you can get your orders in now. There is plenty of violence on the Blood Bowl pitch as well as several star players hit the headlines.
Age of Sigmar
With the Vermindoom causing chaos, the Orruks just couldn’t resist getting stuck in.
● Battletome: Orruk Warclans - Everything you need to take the fight to all who oppose you! Rules and warscrolls for the Ironjawz and Kruleboyz, as well as background, Battle Traits, Battle Formations, Heroic Traits, Artefacts of Power, and Spell, Manifestation, and Prayer Lores.
● Hobgrot Slittaboss - His spear does not look sanitary…which might be the point. Get it?
● Bossrokk Tower and Skaregob Totem - All good Orruk armies need impressive totems
● Orruk Warclans Manifestations
● Killaboss with Stab-grot - Don’t underestimate the little guy
● Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot - This one will give you a REALLY bad hangover.
● Path to Glory: Ravaged Coast
Blood Bowl
The cameras have been flashing non stop as a line-up of Star Players hits the pitch in Blood Bowl. Which ones will you grab to take your team to the top of your league?
● Spike! Presents: 2024 Almanac!
● Anqi Panqi - Rock solid in defence. GW Exclusive.
● Guffle Pusmaw - Did he just…eat the ball? GW Exclusive.
● Jeremiah Kool - Blink and you’ll miss him…and 3 players will be dead. GW Exclusive.
● Rashnak Backstabber - At least he’s honest. GW Exclusive.
● Rowana Forestfoot - They might need to update the rules to forbidden giant stags. GW Exclusive.
Legions Imperialis
Never to be forgotten, the Mechanicum have some mechanical infantry/robots/tanks/who knows what, ready to take to the field.
● Mechanicum Battle-Automata - A horde of autonomous death approaches.
● Mechanicum Infantry - Also a horde of infantry, which honestly are only slightly less autonomous.
● Mechanicum Triaros Squadron - And these will get them where they need to go.
Seraptek Heavy Construct - As if the Necrons weren’t scary enough as it was, now they unleashed one of their most devastating (and cool) constructs, the Seraptek Heavy Construct. This thing is going to be bringing down titans! (GW Exclusive)