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Warhammer Bulletin: The Children Of The Great Horned Rat

Welcome to another Warhammer Bulletin, taking a look each week at what’s gone up for pre-order in the Warhammer universe. Yes-yes, good-great things are here. Many-many Skaven for you all to buy. Weird-strange ones, yes-yes. Everything you need to crush-smash those shiny Stormcast.

Age of Sigmar: Skaven

This week is the turn of the Skaven! Yes, after the fantastic release that was Skaventide, this is, well…the rest of the tide. Over a dozen new miniatures and they are all amazing. Plus books, always a good thing. Let’s take a look.

Battletome: Skaven - You’re essential reading for all things Skaven

● Battletome: Skaven Gamer’s Edition - Something new GW have cooked up. A smaller, lighter version of the Battletome, with all the same content but in a more compact size for each of transports. It also comes bundled with rules reference cards.

Skaven Spearhead - An excellent start to a Skaven army, or an instant force for Spearhead.

Vizzik Skour, Prophet of the Horned Rat - My….god….that’s a magnificent rat, and a sorcerer that twists the fabric of reality to boot. As much as I want to paint this thing, I don’t think I could ever do it justice.

Krittok Foulblade - Epic clawlord with a demonic cursed blade. There are downsides, but let's be honest, he doesn’t care.

Arch-Warlock - This honestly wouldn’t look out of place in a 40k Ad Mech force, there is so much machinery. Very cool though.

Warlock Galvaneer - Mwhahaha fire the warpvolt obliterators, what could go wrong!

Master Moulder - All artists need a canvas, this rats just happens to be other rats, and himself. A master of his work though.

Acolyte Globadiers - I think I’ve fought these on Elden Ring…beware the deadly perfume.

Warpspark Weapon Battery - These have such great Imperial Guard and Cities of Sigmar weapon team vibes, but with so much more mad science. I love it.

Warp-Grinder - This is what happens when a Skaven steals the Mole from Thunderbirds and add warpstone.

Stormvermin - Elite rats, who knew.

Doom-Flayers - There is no why these aren’t primarily used for chariot races.

Brood Terror - I know, let's mix rat, with more rat, then add more rat and see how it turns out. Not well, as it seems. I’m not sure if this fellow is happy or not, but at least he has company…mutated company but company all the same.

● Skaven Reinforcements - Kits from the Skaventide box. Clanrats, Rat Ogors, Warplock Jezzails, and the Clawlord on Gnawbest.

Skaven Warscroll Cards

Skaven Dice


Made to Order

Taking a break from Skaven now, we have a number of models from the MESBG going Made to Order. We have:

● 6 Warriors of the Dead

● 2 pairs of Minas Tirith Command

● Gandalf the White (he’s never late)

● 9 Heroes of the West

● Frodo and Sam in Orc Armour

● Mordor Troll

● Mordor Orc Captains

● 14-strong Warband of Easterling Warriors

● The Fall of the Witch-King set

White Dwarf

Meanwhile over in the White Dwarf realms we have a new edition coming out, this one focusing on Kroot, who have had a lot of nice boosts recently. They are getting new rules for combat patrol, crusade and a monster-hunting mission alongside other alien mercenaries. A Tale of Four Warlords concludes with a huge four-player battle, plus there is a two-player Stormcast Eternals and Skaven campaign.

Black Library

Of course, we can’t forget the Black Library, providing us with all the knowledge we could desire. Or at least, all the knowledge that has been officially sanctioned.

Dawn of Fire: Hand of Abaddon (Special Edition) - Available direct from GW

Dawn of Fire: Hand of Abaddon - Paperback, eBook and audiobook

● Dawn of Fire: Hand of Abaddon German and French Editions - eBook

Dominion Genesis - Hardback, eBook, audiobook

Temple of Silence - Paperback

Lords of Nocturne - Paperback and eBook

Renegades: Lords of Excess (French Edition) - Paperback and eBook