Welcome to another Warhammer Bulletin, taking a look each week at what’s gone up for pre-order in the Warhammer universe. This week it’s primarily the turn of Kill Team. We already had the new launch box release, but now we’re getting the second wave! Have you been enjoying the new edition? Perhaps you’re ready for a second team? Third? Fourth?
Kill Team
The new edition of Kill Team is already well underway and now we have more options, which are always a good thing.
● Starter Set - Excellent little box for people to get started with, including lovely MDF coloured terrain which is easy to use and looks great.
● Kasrkin - THE Cadian special forces. Never underestimate these guys.
● Phobos Strike Team - You can never go wrong with Space Marines
● Phobos Strike Team Datacards
● Chaos Space Marine Legionaries - Space Marines with a whole lot more terror and slaughter.
● Chaos Space Marine Legionaries Datacards
● T’au Empire Pathfinders - They might be small but they pack a punch. Especially that big drone, that thing is cool.
● T’au Empire Pathfinders Datacards
● Inquisitorial Agents - Purging all enemies in their path in the Emperor’s name. ‘Allies’ tends to be a blurry term when they are on the hunt.
● Inquisitorial Agents Datacards
A few new 40k characters for those specific needs. I don’t think a lot needs to be said other than jump packs make anything better.
● Chaos Lord with Jump Pack
Black Library
We’ve got two extremes here. Holy crusaders and rampaging Orks.
● Broken Crusade - When faith is all you have to bring you through, best hold on tight.
● Broken Crusade Special Edition - Exclusive from GW.
● Da Big Dakka - Taking a wrong turn in the webway and ending up in Commorragh, Ufthak Blackhawk has to contend with the tricksy vicious pointy ears.
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