Welcome to another Warhammer Bulletin, taking a look each week at what’s gone up for pre-order in the Warhammer universe. I hope everyone has had a good break over Christmas, had a good time and eaten entirely too much food. The first GW pre-orders for the years are up and it’s a big one, the Empire of Man returns to The Old World.
The Old World
While the Empire of Man is besieged by various wars, its citizens are no less determined to defend their way of life. This release includes a huge array of varied units, from lowly soldiers to noble knights. If you want to fight for the nobility of the great empire of man, this is your moment.
● Empire Of Man Battalion - A great way to start, containing 60 troops and a powerful steam tank.
● Arcane Journal: Empire of Man - All the rules you need to play the Empire of Man
● Empire of Man Reference Card Pack - Handy reference cards for units, items and rules for the Empire. GW Exclusive.
● Empire of Man Transfer Sheet - GW Exclusive.
● General of the Empire on Imperial Griffon - There is no doubt this is an awesome model, and it looks dazzling in different colours too. How will you paint yours?
● War Altar of Sigmar - That statue is literally bigger than the thing carrying it. If that doesn’t inspire the soldiers I don’t know what will. GW Exclusive.
● Commanders of the Empire - Skilled commanders to lead your army
● Free Company Militia - The very definition of quantity over quality
● Empire Pistoliers - Skirmisher on horseback with pistols. Those are some nicely detailed horses.
● Empire Knights - The thunder of these knights charging is what epic poems are made of.
● Demigryph Knights - Deadly mounts AND riders.
● Empire Cannons and Mortars - Simple, yet effective.
● Teutogen Guard Warriors and Command - I…wouldn’t miss with these guys. GW Exclusives.
● Imperial Ogres - You know, it’s nice to see ogres looking a bit…nobler. GW Exclusive.
● Imperial Ogres with Great Weapons - GW Exclusive.
● Imperial Ogre with Light Cannon - GW Exclusive.
● Empire of Man Command Set - GW Exclusive.
The Empire isn’t the only thing releasing this week. Necromunda is releasing the new Halls of the Ancient supplement where we’ll be able to learn all about the Squats and what they’ve been up to.
● Necromunda: Halls of the Ancients - Available in hardback and digital formats.
● Ironhead Squat Prospectors Exo-kyn - Those are some heavy duty suits, really make you wonder where they’re going that they need them.
● Ironhead Squat Svenotar Scout Trikes - Having built 3 Votann hover bikes I can attest that wheels are superior.
● Ironhead Squat Prospectors Weapons and Upgrades
● Halls of the Ancients Gang Tactics Cards
● Halls of the Ancients Dice
Age of Sigmar
Not to be completely quiet this week, AoS is releasing the Luminark of Hysh, a GW exclusive arcane artillery unit that can be built in a couple of ways, both pretty epic.
Black Library
Last but certainly not least, we have a special edition GW exclusive release from the Black Library. The Emperor’s Gift in a stuff faux leather cover. Dig into the secrets of the Grey Knights order.