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Warhammer Bulletin: Calm Before The Storm

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Welcome to another Warhammer Bulletin, taking a look each week at what’s gone up for pre-order in the Warhammer universe. Another quiet week on the Warhammer pre-orders front, but for good reason. Next week the Skaven burst forth into the Mortal Realms and nothing will be the same again, yes that’s right, the new edition of Age of Sigmar will be going up for pre-order. But in the meantime, let's take a quick look at the couple of things GW announced this week.

Tomy: Gryph-hound Plush

Who will guard you own house against the Skaven and other threats that lurk in the dark? Well Tomy of course, this cute Gryph-hound Plush. These creatures are very loyal and will serve you well.

Starforged: Space Marine Chapter Banner Magnets

You know what’s wrong with your fridge/any other metal magnet-safe surface? Not enough Grimdark. Why not solve that problem by getting yourself a Space Marine Chapter Banner to support your chosen factions out of Blood Angels, Imperial Fists, Ultramarines and Dark Angels.They feature some classic art from earlier editions of 40k, so that’s pretty cool

As they are both special order items you will have to order them directly from Games Workshop. On the plus side they aren’t even really pre-orders, you can order them right now.

Until next time….when the Skaventide Rises!