The Skaventide box set includes 24 Stormcast Eternals who have emerged from the unsealed Ruination Chamber. Led by a Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker, there is a Lord-Terminos, Lord-Veritant with a Gryph-crow companion, Knight-Questor, Reclusians, Memorians, Prosecutors, and Liberators.
I chose to paint them as Celestial Vindicators, the sixth Stormhost of the Stormcast Eternals to be founded who are forged from heroes plucked from the most war-torn lands.
I have put together a Speedpainting guide for those who want to get their miniatures on the table as quickly as possible, and also a more detailed ‘Eavy Metal-style guide (using Citadel Paints unless specified otherwise):
I chose some Contrast Paints and Washes to speed up this painting process. For the largest areas of the models - their armour - I used Terradon Turquoise, followed by a drybrush of Sotek Green to pick out the edges. The scale mail and weapons were basecoated with Leadbelcher, then washed with Nuln Oil, and highlighted with Stormhost Silver. The armour trim was basecoated using Retributor Armour, washed with Reikland Fleshshade, and highlighted with Liberator Gold.
For the Stormcast’s shoulder pads and weapon handles, I applied a basecoat of Corax White, then Apothecary White contrast, and a highlight of White Scar. Finally, for all of the leather straps on the armour, I used Flesh Tearer’s Red and Evil Sunz Scarlet as a highlight.
‘Eavy Metal Eternals
If you want to spend a bit of extra time on your Stormcast miniatures to make them really pop, read on for my longer paint recipe.
For the turquoise armour, I used two thin coats of Incubi Darkness as a basecoat and then applied a recess shade of Abaddon Black + Lahmian Medium 1:1. For the highlight stages, I gradually mixed larger amounts of Sotek Green into the Incubi Darkness. Then I used pure Sotek Green for a thick edge highlight around all of the armour plates. I painted a thin edge highlight with Temple Guard Blue, and a spot highlight on the corners with Baharroth Blue, before applying an all-over glaze of Karandras Green + Lahmian Medium 1:8 to tint the armour slightly less blue and more green.
For any areas of cloth on the models, I used a basecoat of Abaddon Black and then a mix of Abaddon + Kantor Blue + Gal Vorbak Red + Dark Reaper 1:1:1:1 for the highlight. I added Grey Seer to this mix in a 2:1 ratio, then a 1:1 ratio, and finally pure Grey Seer as an edge highlight. For pieces of parchment, I used Ushabti Bone for the basecoat, Reikland Fleshshade to wash them, and thinned down Rhinox Hide in the deepest recesses. Then I applied Ushabti Bone + Screaming Skull 1:1 as a highlight and White Scar as an edge highlight.
I basecoated the weapon handles with Administratum Grey, then shaded them using Dawnstone + Lahmian Medium 1:3, followed by a deep shade of Eshin Grey + Lahmian Medium 1:3. For the first highlight, I used a mix of Administratum Grey + White Scar 1:1 and then an edge highlight of White Scar.
The leather straps and cloaks were painted with a basecoat of Khorne Red + Blood Angels Red 1:1, a shade of Gal Vorbak Red + Flesh Tearer’s Red 1:1, and a recess shade of Flesh Tearer’s Red + Abaddon Black 1:1. I highlighted them starting with Wazdakka Red, then Ushabti Bone + Evil Sunz Scarlet 1:1, and finally Ushabti Bone on the edges.
I hope you enjoyed these painting guides for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. You can message us on social media @ZatuGames if you’d like to show us your own painted models. We’d love to see what you’ve been working on!