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Warhammer 40k Lore – Age Of Sigmar: Stormcast Eternals

The Stormcast Eternals are a central faction in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, representing the celestial warriors of Sigmar, the God-King of the Mortal Realms. Born from the divine lightning of the Storm God, the Stormcast Eternals are the ultimate defenders of Order, wielding the power of Sigmar to push back the forces of Chaos, Death, and Destruction. Their story is one of valour, sacrifice, and eternal service, as they fight to preserve the realms from the encroaching darkness.

Origins and Lore

The Stormcast Eternals were created during the Age of Sigmar, a time of great upheaval and strife. As the forces of Chaos ravaged the Mortal Realms and nearly destroyed civilisation, Sigmar sought to create an army of celestial warriors to combat these threats. Drawing on the power of his divine essence, Sigmar forged the Stormcast Eternals from the souls of fallen mortals who had shown great valour and righteousness in life.

The creation of the Stormcast Eternals was a monumental endeavour. Sigmar, seeking to counter the endless tide of Chaos and other malevolent forces, used the Azyr (the Realm of Heavens) as a forge for his warriors. The process involved the souls of brave and noble mortals being brought to Azyr, where they were reforged into mighty warriors by the Celestial Forge.

The Stormcast Eternals are immortal beings, eternally bound to Sigmar’s will. Each warrior is encased in celestial armour imbued with the power of lightning, and they wield weapons that can channel the divine energies of their god. This transformation grants them great strength, resilience, and combat prowess, making them formidable on the battlefield.

Sigmar, once a mortal himself, became a god during the Age of Myth. After the fall of the Old World in the End Times, he ascended to godhood and took refuge in Azyr, the Realm of Heavens. From this divine realm, he watches over the Mortal Realms and intervenes in times of dire need. His ultimate goal is to restore order and bring about the dominion of Order across the realms.

The Stormcast Eternals are Sigmar’s chosen champions, sent to combat the forces of Chaos, reclaim lost territories, and spread the influence of Order. They are often dispatched to battlefronts where the forces of darkness threaten to overrun the realms.

The Reforging Process

The reforging process is both a blessing and a curse for the Stormcast Eternals. While it grants them immortality and immense power, it also involves a loss of individuality and memory. Each time a Stormcast Eternal is defeated in battle, their soul is reforged and returned to the fray. This cycle of death and rebirth is necessary to continue their fight, but it also erodes their memories and sense of self over time.

Stormcast Eternals and the Realms

Stormcast Eternals are deployed across the Mortal Realms to wage war against the forces of Chaos and other threats. Their missions often involve reclaiming lost territories, establishing strongholds, and battling against enemies that threaten the stability and safety of the realms. Their presence is both a symbol of hope and a harbinger of doom for their enemies, as their arrival on the battlefield often turns the tide in favour of Order.

Key Characters of the Stormcast Eternals

The Stormcast Eternals are led by several notable characters, each representing a different aspect of their celestial army.

Sigmar, the God-King: Sigmar is the supreme leader of the Stormcast Eternals and the deity who commands them. As the God-King, he wields immense power and authority over the Mortal Realms. His influence is felt in every battle fought by his Stormcast warriors, and his will is the driving force behind their campaigns. Sigmar’s vision for the realms is one of order and justice, and he acts as both a guide and a protector for his celestial champions.

Valkia the Bloody: Valkia is a prominent leader within the Stormcast Eternals, serving as one of Sigmar’s most trusted commanders. She is known for her valour and strategic acumen, leading her forces with both precision and ferocity. Valkia’s role is to coordinate the efforts of the Stormcast Eternals on the battlefield and ensure that their divine mission is fulfilled.

Vandus Hammerhand: Vandus Hammerhand is a legendary Stormcast Eternal known for his immense strength and unyielding courage. As a Lord-Celestant, he commands the Celestial Vindicators, a specialised unit within the Stormcast Eternals. Vandus is renowned for his battle prowess and his ability to lead his troops through the most dire of conflicts.

Lord-Arcanum of the Celestial Luminary: The Lord-Arcanum is a master of celestial magic, wielding powerful spells that can alter the course of battle. As a leader of the Celestial Luminaries, they provide both magical support and strategic guidance to the Stormcast forces. Their magic is drawn from the Azyr and is used to bolster their allies or strike down their enemies.

Ghal Maraz, the God-King’s Hammer: Ghal Maraz is the legendary weapon wielded by Sigmar himself. This mighty warhammer is a symbol of his divine power and authority. Ghal Maraz has been passed down to the Stormcast Eternals, and its presence on the battlefield is a powerful symbol of Sigmar’s influence and might.

Stormcast Eternals Units and Warfare

The Stormcast Eternals are a diverse and adaptable army, with units designed to fulfil various roles on the battlefield. Their forces are heavily armoured and equipped with divine weaponry, making them formidable opponents against any threat.

Liberators: Liberators are the basic infantry of the Stormcast Eternals. Equipped with heavy armour and shields, they are designed to hold the line and provide a solid defensive foundation for the army. Their role is to engage enemies in close combat and provide protection for more specialised units.

Judicators: Judicators are ranged infantry, armed with powerful crossbows known as Boltstorm Crossbows. They are tasked with providing ranged support to their allies, using their precision fire to target key enemy units and disrupt their formations.

Retributors: Retributors are heavily armoured shock troops, wielding Stormstrike Glaives or Meteoric Hammers. They are designed to deliver devastating melee attacks, smashing through enemy lines and breaking their ranks.

Prosecutors: Prosecutors are agile flying units, equipped with Celestial Hammers and Stormstrike Javelins. Their ability to fly allows them to perform hit-and-run tactics, harassing enemy units and striking from unexpected angles.

Dracothian Guard: The Dracothian Guard are elite cavalry units mounted on powerful Dracoths. They are designed for shock tactics, charging into enemy formations and causing havoc with their tremendous strength and speed.

Evocators: Evocators are powerful spellcasters within the Stormcast Eternals, capable of wielding potent magic to support their allies and devastate their enemies. They are often seen leading the charge into battle, using their arcane abilities to turn the tide in favour of the Stormcast.

Stormdrake Guard: Stormdrake Guard are some of the most powerful and awe-inspiring units in the Stormcast army, riding into battle atop massive Stormdrakes. These units are formidable in combat, combining the might of the Stormdrakes with the skill and prowess of their riders.

Stormcast Eternals Aesthetics and Miniatures

The Stormcast Eternals are visually striking, with their celestial armour and divine weaponry making them stand out on the battlefield. Their miniatures feature ornate armour and gleaming, radiant details that emphasise their otherworldly origins.

Liberators are depicted in heavy, ornate armour, carrying large shields and sigmarite weapons.

Judicators are shown with crossbows and various ranged weaponry, designed for precision fire.

Retributors have massive, imposing weapons and heavy armour, reflecting their role as shock troops.

Prosecutors are shown with wings and javelins, capable of swift, aerial manoeuvres.

Dracothian Guard are mounted on powerful Dracoths, combining the might of both rider and beast.

Evocators are depicted with magical staffs and robes, reflecting their spellcasting abilities.

Stormdrake Guard are among the most dramatic, riding majestic Stormdrakes and wielding massive weapons.

The overall aesthetic of the Stormcast Eternals is one of divine grandeur and martial prowess, with designs that emphasise their celestial nature and their role as the champions of Order.


The Stormcast Eternals are the divine warriors of Sigmar, embodying the might and determination of the God-King himself. With their powerful armour, formidable weaponry, and celestial abilities, they are a force to be reckoned with in the Mortal Realms. Their story is one of eternal battle and unyielding dedication to the cause of Order, standing as the bulwark against the forces of Chaos, Death, and Destruction.

Whether commanding a regiment of Liberators or leading a charge with the mighty Dracothian Guard, Stormcast Eternals players can immerse themselves in an army that represents the ultimate defence of the Mortal Realms and the divine will of Sigmar.