Restoration Games Unmatched series is a reboot of the older game Star Wars Epic Duels. The attraction of the original game was pitting any of the chosen Star Wars characters against each other. Unmatched takes that initial concept and turns it up to 12, allowing you to mix and match characters from various public domain legends and myths and official licensed IPs such as Marvel and now Jurassic Park.
The first two Jurassic Park boxes bring in dinos and offer unique twists on the standard Unmatched hero formula. InGen vs Raptors offers the first multi-model heroes in the form of the Raptors which come with three models each with 7 health each. This makes them fantastic at cornering other characters, but also quite vulnerable. Of course, this means they don’t come with a sidekick as most other characters do. It pays to keep them alive too as you get bonuses for surround other characters.
InGen features a model of Muldoon and three one health sidekicks. Muldoon’s trick is that he can place traps in unoccupied spaces, handy against most characters but especially the clever girls in this pack.
Dr. Sattler vs T-Rex features the first large figure in unmatched. The T-Rex is a hulking model that takes up two spaces on the map. Dr. Sattler comes with Dr. Malcolm as a sidekick, his special power is to unbutton his shirt more as the game goes on. As well as this the good Drs can use insight tokens. Whenever you move you can place an insight token and these will be referenced by your cards a lot. Generally the more insight you have on the board the better!
T-Rex is a slow behemoth, but can attack from two spaces away and has a huge amount of health. However often her attacks with injury herself too. Both sets offer new ways for Unmatched players to experiment and new matchups to explore. Sherlock Holmes vs Raptors? Moon Knight vs T-Rex? In Unmatched you can.