Big news for lovers of tiny games! Gamelyn Games brought you the ‘Tiny Epic’ series, including the recent Tiny Epic Mechs, and are now at it again. Following from their development of the Ultra Tiny Epic Kingdoms, we’ll now be seeing a Kickstarter for Tiny Epic Galaxies.
This is already an impressively strategic experience compressed into an admirably portable space. Gameplay involves dice rolling and agonising over the sequence of your actions. From here, you will scatter your ships across worlds and optimise your colonisation to claim them for your own. Pitted against your friends, with the ability to ‘follow’ their actions, clever plays and careful planning are essential for victory. I am a big fan of this game and I am most certainly not alone. If this is the first you are hearing of it, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
Ultra Tiny Epic Galaxies
Ultra Tiny Epic Galaxies (Scott Almes) will be about the size of a deck of cards, which is completely bonkers. At a glance of a comparison photo, it appears to be less than half the size of its predecessor, which already boasts incredible portability.
Compared to the original, all of the cards are considerably smaller, of course, in addition to streamlined layouts that allow for these reduced surfaces. The wooden starship meeples are reduced to cubes, as is every other token used. These seem to be sized like ‘resource cubes’ typical in countless other games.
A notable casualty of this reduction are the dice, which are also restricted to this smaller cubical shape, matching the size of every other token. This may come to the chagrin of some gamers, who relish the weight of full-sized dice, but this is just the cost of the mammoth task of this over-the-top downsize.
Coming Soon
The Kickstarter for Ultra Tiny Epic Galaxies is set to launch August 9. My understanding of the industry will be shaken to its core if this doesn’t meet its funding goal. This pocket-sized planet-hopper will be a great way to bring strategy to faraway tables and I will be observing this project keenly - I hope you will too.