Things are getting spicy up in the U S of A. 1st October isn’t just international coffee day. It’s also World Taco Day stateside! And although we are not in the Big Apple or the Big Easy, we can take a big ol’ bite of a hot game or two to commemorate this special occasion!
If you like your games with a dash of picante, let’s jump into 5 top games for Taco Day!
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza!
No, not the world’s weirdest mantra. This is the turn order in one of the best dexterity, card shedding games available. It’s also one of the simplest, and now comes in many different forms. But ultimately the tasty game play is the same. Each round the starting player says the word Taco as they lay down a card. The cards will show one of those 5 items or a special animal. If the card you lay and the word you say match, it them becomes a race to be first to slap your hand over the pile of played cards. The last person to touch the pile takes all the cards. If you happen to lay one of the special animals, you must do the action they require before slapping the pile. The winner is the player who correctly slaps the pile after shedding their hand entirely. Muddle the actions, hesitate, or pre-empt and mis-slap or slap too early, however, and all the cards will be yours!
Throw Throw Burrito!
Okay so it’s not a taco, but burritos are just as filling and flavoursome as their culinary cousin. And this game is perfect for playing with friends and family alike! Combining quick thinking with even quicker reactions, you’ll need to be fast with those cards to claim the foam burrito and avoid being hit. Every round you’ll have 15 cards with 5 going into your hand. Discarding cards to neighbours and drawing back from your own store, you want to collect three matching animals to gain a point. If burrito cards are revealed, it then becomes a floury fight to avoid sour tasting burrito token that give negative pints at end game!
Beans, beans, good for the heart. The more you eat the more you far…..m in order to harvest and sell for money! Haha You thought I was going to say something toot related didn’t you? Well, no time for nasties. Bohnanza is classic card game from Uwe Rosenberg featuring chili beans amongst the many on offer. Playing down (i.e. planting) cards into your field in order to form sets which you can sell, you’ll be faced with plenty of decisions. Go for quantity with lower value common beans, or spring for more valuable offerings which are harder to get but reap higher rewards?! With multi-use cards and excellent game play for 3-5 players, Bohnanza is one hot tamale!
Nacho Pile!
Another taco-adjacent gaming option, Nacho Pile actually comes in a chip bag! This is a perky push your luck game where players are stockpiling nacho chips (numbered 1 – 7 with a few tasty extras) ready for end game scoring. Pulling chips out of the bag is how you gain more of them. But if you draw a chip that has the same number as one in front of you then you bust and lose all the chips you pulled before it. You can also stop and take chips from other players when using special actions. The twist is that the last chip in the bag will determine what scores. And so, in this push your luck game, the temptation to keep taking until you have them all is always going to be there!
Tortilla Slap!
Snap…or slap? In this game it’s both! Players take it in turns to lay cards from their hand. If a burrito card is played, the fastest player gets to pick up the tortilla and slap the slowest player in the face with it. Any flinching or mis slapping will again result in a tortilla to the face! And being quick off the mark when a whacka-mole card is played earns the fastest player a two-slap bonus! This is happy-slappy card play unless of course you’re the slow-mole with salsa red cheeks!
We hope these games get your Taco inspired games night hopping!