In a way, this combines three things I really like (and in a very real way it must certainly doesn’t, but just go along with the intro, will you?): the Evil Dead films (the second one was life-changing), food like sandwiches and soups and stuff, and the Trap Door animated show, which no other tv show ever managed to beat. Let’s get my nonsense out of the way, one point at a time. First up, the Necronomicon in the Evil Dead universe is a book with a face, a mouth and a tongue (because it’s made from human skin, but pretend I didn’t say that and you’ll sleep just fine). Having those things means you can eat, and you’re probably hungry a lot. Next point: food. Love a bit of this. Hotdogs, pizzas, nice. Lastly, The Trap Door, in which Berk has to rustle up mad recipes to keep the terrible thing in the basement fed. So, that’s what this next game is, and it’s also what it isn’t. I hope this introduction helped.
The NecroNomNomNom: A Card Game of Dark Deliciousness from Red Duke Games is a game of luxuriantly appointed deck of 100 cards to compel you and a cohort of fellow cultists (2 to 4 players) to stir up the foul creations of H. P. Lovecraft's Cosmos and compete in a grimly hilarious, ravenous race against fate, luck, your opponents, and the Stars themselves. Are you ready to play with your food? Within the disturbing depths of the bloodcurdling Necro Deck lie four subdecks: Eldritch Horrors from beyond time and space that affect play for each cultist holding that card; Rituals (recipes) to satisfy the unearthly appetites of the Ancient Ones; Offerings (ingredients) to assemble for a given ritual; and The Stars, which lambast celebrity chefs and give players a task for that round.
How do you win? Hey, it's easy and obvious! Be the first cultist to complete a ritual that quells the hunger of your Eldritch Horror—before you become the main course. Normal day, really. As long as you're Berk from Trap Door. You don’t have to know how to boil water or skin a nightgaunt to make these recipes, though. You merely need to answer that age-old question posed by unhinged necromancers everywhere: “Now that I’ve summoned Ghatanothoa, what to feed it?” Friends make a fine choice, but can you consign them to their just desserts?
Each player draws an Eldritch Horror, such as Hastur, Dagon, or even Cthulhu himself (I’m a major Cthulhu fan, grab me a photo with him if you get the chance). These ancient monstrosities are hangry, and you don’t want to be on the menu. Draw your ritual and satiate your patron by collecting, presenting, and discarding offerings. At the end of each round, you and your fellow cultists must consult the Stars, which impart their wishes upon your dishes. Their additional flavour may make your dishes pop, or they may spell nuclear chaos for your ritual. When Larva Skewered or Gorgon Ram-see shows up and tells you what to do, you’d better listen!
This is a great theme with seriously cool artwork, and I think it’s worth your time to go check it out. Come on, get yourself to that NecroNomNomNom Kickstarter, coz there’s something down there…