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The Largest Playing Card In The World, And How You Can Join!


If the name Rob Halifax rings a bell, it's probably because you know him from his last world record: the world's smallest playing cards! The deck itself measures a mere 5 mm high by 3.6 mm wide, and consists of 52 standard playing cards plus two jokers, each intricately designed and fully recognisable as playing cards. The cards were brought to life after a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter which offered 100 backers a deck of these limited edition cards... get your microscopes out, a game of snap just got 10x harder!

More recently though, Rob did a full 180 and went for another world record - the largest single playing card. Now, I know what you're thinking, how big can a card really get? Well, to give you some prehistoric measurements - the card will measure 3 metres high and 2.1 metres wide. That’s taller than a T.rex!

Much like his tiny cards, this one will be brought to life via a Kickstarter campaign, where backers of the project can submit photos of themselves that will make up a mosaic of the King of Hearts.  If you do want to share a photo for the card it can be a picture of you, your cat, a favourite place, or whatever your heart desires.

There's only going to be one of these cards ever made so you're probably thinking - what do I get?

There are two options:

Submit your photo and be part of the record. You'll also get a digital version of the card to print for yourself (at a more manageable size!)
In addition to being part of the record and getting a digital version, you can also choose to back for a scaled-down physical printed version.
†If you don't want to submit a photo that's fine too, you can just be invisibly part of the project.

Each individual photo will be colourised and make up a 'pixel' that's part of the image of the king on the card. It can really be any picture, but ones with bold shapes and bold colours will help the mosaic work better. It's exciting because the whole image will only exist thanks to your pictures!

The final goal is to display this mammoth card somewhere people can see it - so watch out London, this world record could be coming to a town near you...

If you're interested, the kickstarter will remain live until 11th September 2024, and you can check out the page and the info it offers here: