Using a good quality spray primer is an important foundation for painting miniatures. It may well be the thing that makes or breaks your project. Unfortunately, hobbyists must often choose between an expensive and high-quality primer or a cheaper and lower quality one.
The Colour Forge is a British company that was founded in 2020 with the aim of providing high-quality hobby products that don’t break the bank. Their range of spray paints has steadily grown to include 25 solid colours, 2 metallics, and 2 technical sprays. They are presented in extra-large 500ml rattle cans (25% more than other brands on the market) and priced competitively. As an example, Colour Forge’s Republic Blue spray primer is available for £12. One of its competitors – The Army Painter – is also priced at £12, but for a smaller 400ml can. Another - Citadel’s Macragge Blue – offers 400ml for the higher price of £14.45.
I put the Republic Blue spray primer to the test, following the manufacturer’s instructions in order to get the best results possible. After shaking the can for around five minutes and making sure it was at room temperature (you can pour a bit of warm water over it to speed up the process), I went outside during an extremely rare moment when it wasn’t windy or raining. I held the can 30cm from the model and sprayed it using multiple short passes as instructed, until the whole model was sufficiently covered. I was really pleased with the results - the model looked like it had a smooth coating and it was ready to paint after a brief drying period. I dug a can of Citadel’s Macragge Blue out of my paint supplies cupboard to spray a different model for comparison and could not tell the difference between them. Colour Forge’s website states that these sprays are colour matched to the ones sold by Warhammer and I found this to be true with the blue primer.
Colour Forge’s team of enthusiastic hobbyists have created a range that is on par with the industry’s top selection. Receiving more of a product for less money is always a good thing, but you usually get a reduction in quality (like when buying a supermarket’s own brand item instead of one from a famous company). However, I can happily say
that this doesn’t seem to be the case with Colour Forge. Their primers have a great formula that provides top-notch coverage as a base for your painting projects.
This Republic Blue spray primer was kindly provided by Colour Forge for review. Message us on social media @ZatuGames to let us know if you’re also a fan of their range of hobby products.