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Board Game Spotlight: Dark Moon

Andreas 16/11/2016

In another of our regular board game spotlights, Zatu Games finds itself outside in the rain, trying desperately to stick its old key into a newly fitted yale lock, surrounded by sodden boxes of its possessions, possessions which include Dark Moon, the 2011 release from publisher Stronghold Games and designer Evan Derrick.

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Alchemists: What Gamers Are Saying

Andreas 14/11/2016

We asked gamers on the internet what they think of Alchemists, the 2014 release from publisher Czech Games Edition. They told us.

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Board Game Spotlight: Scythe

Josh 14/11/2016

In our latest board game spotlight we take a look at one of the best selling games of 2016 - Scythe! This game sold out on its original launch and its second print is now due out before the end of the year - along with a brand new expansion known as Invader's From Afar.

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Board Game Spotlight:Lanterns: The Harvest Festival

Andreas 08/11/2016

In another of our regular board game spotlights, Zatu Games traipses across the empty, cold parquet floors of its suburban bungalow, lost in a stupor, blurred vision suddenly coming into sharp focus on Lanterns: The Harvest Festival.

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Board Game Spotlight: Dead of Winter

Andreas 07/11/2016

In another of our regular board game spotlights, Zatu Games re-imagines itself through the rose-tinted lens of idealism, maybe as a happy, blue-collar dad, one with a hat and good shoes and aftershave. But none of it’s real. What is reality, anyway?

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The Hen Commandments

Board Game Spotlight: The Hen Commandments

Andreas 06/11/2016

In another of our regular board game spotlights, Zatu Games knocks back a tall frosty one at 10am, despite what Jasmine’s been saying. It just feels right, almost as right as The Hen Commandments.

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Board Game Spotlight: Seasons

Andreas 05/11/2016

In another of our regular board game spotlights, Zatu Games reclines on a couch and lays bare its subconscious to a smug man in a scarf, along with its memory of Seasons, the 2012 release form publisher Asmodee.

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Board Game Spotlight: Colt Express

Andreas 04/11/2016

In another of our regular board game spotlights, the day is drawing to a close and there’s no guarantee there will be another, not after what happened. The auburn light falls limply on Colt Express, the 2014 release from publisher Ludonaute.

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Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins

Board Game Spotlight: Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins

Andreas 03/11/2016

In yet another of our regular board game spotlights, Zatu Games dissociates entirely, plunging into a downward spiral of misfiring synapses and questionable choices from which the only possible respite is Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins.

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Board Game Spotlight: Galaxy Trucker

Andreas 03/11/2016

In another of our regular board game spotlights, Zatu Games struggles to remember the face of its mother through the ever-thickening fog of time, but whatever happens, it will never forget Galaxy Trucker.

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