Since Pathfinder and Starfinder publishers Paizo teamed up with franchise meisters Gale Force Nine, schemes have been planning, including Pathfinder: Level 20. Where you play a group of Kobolds on the run from a Level 19 Murder-hobo needing those last few XP points to reach Level 20. The latest release from this collaboration to be announced is Starfinder: Pirates of Skydock.
In this game, 2 two to four players loosely collaborate to take control of a newly acquisitioned starship, avoiding and overriding all the various security measures whilst vying to become the captain of the ship before it is either recaptured or leaves the dock.
To do this, players complete public and private objectives as the encounters and events come thick and fast. Being based on the well-known sci-fi RPG, there will be a degree of character creation involved, so whether you are in it for the storytelling, the back-stabbing or the high-frontier of adventure, this game will have something for everyone.
Gale Force Nine has also announced a deck-building game based on the beloved but short-lived Firefly series, Misbehavin’ and plan to release another game from the Pathfinder series, Tall Tales, before the year is out.
Both Pirates of Sky Dock and Misbehavin’ are due to be released in August this year.