When I relented to peer pressure and finally entered the world of the Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game, there was one faction that I somehow had the deepest affinity with, and that was the Scum and Villainy faction! I’m not admitting to being a villain myself (although everything is relative!) but perhaps the Star Wars image from my childhood that is more deeply etched in my mind is that of the armoured Boba Fett casually mooching around Jabba The Hutt’s palace and then embarrassingly meeting his apparent end at the hands (or rather, tentacles) of the Sarlacc.
This conversion kit includes all ship cards, dials, etc. to upgrade all Scum and Villainy first edition X-Wing ships for use in X-Wing 2.0. It is also a great place to start if you want to buy old first edition ships at a discount and then use them in 2.0.
The Scum and Villainy faction allows you to fly all of the super cool ships and use all of the eclectic pilots from this vast and varied faction.
The Ships
The kit comes with components to allow you to fly 16 different ships in these quantities:
2 x Hound’s Tooth
2 x HWK-290
2 x IG-2000
3 X Kihraxz Fighter
2 x Kimogila Fighter
4 x M3-A Interceptor
2 x Mist Hunter
3 x Protectorate Starfighter (Fang Fighter)
2 x Punishing One
3 x Quadjumper
2 x Scurrg H-6 Bomber
2 x Shadow Caster
2 x Slave I
2 x StarViper
2 x Y-wing
4 x Z-95 Headhunter
That’s a whopping 39 ships!... Not that the game allows you to fly that many ships at once, that is!
And seeing as this conversion kit gives you everything you need to play as all of these ships (apart from the miniatures themselves), there’s nothing to stop you proxying and playing as any of these ships as a practice run before you add the miniatures to the bases at a later date.
The Pilots
There are pilot cards for a whopping 76 unique pilots in the conversion kit (and the unnamed pilots include multiples), from Boba Fett and Bossk, to IG-88A and Zuckuss. This gives multiple pilot options for each ship and can lead to numerous ways of utilising the same ship depending on who is at the helm.
This expansion contains a huge fat deck of cards, covering Talents, Missiles, Bombs, Astromechs and Modifications – but the most exciting cards are undoubtedly the Crew, Gunners, Illicit upgrades and Titles.
The nine unique Titles enable you to fly famous ships, allowing you to upgrade your Jumpmaster 5000 into Dengar’s Punishing One and the Firespray-class Patrol Craft into Boba Fett’s fearsome Slave 1. Essentially, adding a Title to a ship gives it unique upgrades (and prestige, of course!).
For the Scum ships big enough to handle one or two members of crew, you’ll be pleased to know you can invite the likes of Cad Bane, Maul and even Jabba The Hutt aboard to join the party and benefit from their experience and special abilities. Equally, if your ship has a gunner slot you might want to invite BT-1 or Greedo aboard to show you that they have the right stuff.
Illicit upgrades give the Scum and Villainy faction access to some sneaky tricks, such as Inertial Dampners (which allow you to effectively perform an emergency stop), Contraband Cybernetics (go hyperactive!) and a Rigged Cargo Chute, which sees your ship dump loose cargo out of its rear-end for any would-be pursuers to crash into!
In this kit you also get a number of plastic bases and pegs, a wealth of tokens and some dial ID tokens.
Scum and Villainy Conversion Kit Verdict
There is so much in the box here and I would go as far to say this is an almost essential first purchase for anybody who wants to fly the Scum and Villainy faction – granted, it is doubtful you will use everything in this box, but even if you use a quarter of the content it easily justifies the cost. Plus knowing you have all this stuff gives you that confidence that you could go out and buy those Z-95 miniatures and be able to use them in anger straight away!
I mentioned before that there’s nothing stopping you proxying and practicing with any of these ships.
When I first got into X-Wing, after the base game this kit was the next thing I bought as it is the perfect introduction to this exciting and unique faction – any respectable Scum and Villainy fleet commander will tell you the same!...