What is Star Wars Unlimited?
Star Wars Unlimited is a new(ish) TCG (Trading Card Game) from Fantasy Flight Games, so in the same vein as Magic The Gathering, Pokemon or Lorcana. In the game, each player chooses a leader and a base, and builds a deck of (usually) 50 cards to battle against another player. Twilight of the Republic is the third set to be released in the game and follows on from Spark of Rebellion and Shadows of the Galaxy.
What’s in a booster?
This follows the same as the previous 2 sets, you’ll get 16 cards, including 1 leader and 1 base. You’ll also always find 9 common cards, 3 uncommon cards, 1 rare or legendary card and 1 foil card which could be any rarity. You might be lucky enough to find a hyperspace or if you’re really lucky a showcase card. If you're buying a box, you'll get 24 boosters to crack open and there is also a new starter set containing Ahsoka and Grievous leaders as well as 2 pre-constructed decks with cards that are unique to the starter set.
What’s new in Twilight of the Republic?
The Twilight of the Republic focuses primarily on the Clone Wars for its content and much of its content has been leaked already so for leaders which include Yoda, Count Dooku, Maul, Mace Windu and Jango Fett among others. I’m particularly intrigued by the Darth Sidious/Palpatine leader which allows you to build decks using both sets of cards and doesn’t include a deployed side.
Among the new legendary cards Cad Bane, Maul, Ahsoka, Now There Are Two of Them and Grievous all look to be really strong. I think Maul’s ability to attack 2 units at once could be really strong and Grievous being a 3 cost 4/4 is going to be so strong as a blue villain card which improves the midrange option when constructing vigilance decks.
New additions to the rules
There are two new keywords coming into this set, Coordinate and Exploit. Both are going to have really interesting impacts on the game. With Coordinate, if you have 3 total units on the board, including the one with Coordinate, the Coordinate Card will gain an additional stat benefit and this only applies to Republic cards. Exploit allows you to destroy 2 units you control to again gain a reduction in cost to the card you are playing the Droids and Separists.
Additionally, there are 2 new types of units using the tokens to replace the shields and experience tokens that have been used in the first 2 sets of the game and these are Clone Troopers and Battle Droids and these will be created using some of the new cards from the set. The Clone Troopers come in at a 2/2 and the Battle Droids as a 1/1. Interestingly this means there are no shielded units in this set. Also, this probably increases the benefits of cards like Snoke from the Shadows of the Galaxy set that just blanket reduce the statline of enemy units in play.
Is this worth buying?
I can’t really attribute a score to this set yet, but I am really excited for it. We are going to see the current card pool expand by 50% and hopefully with it will come lots of unique decks. Even at the end of the cycle for the current set we are still seeing new ideas come to the forefront and I would expect the same here over the coming months. The Prequel era and Clone Wars setting has a particular resonance with a large group of Star Wars fans that means I would expect this set to have a greater popularity than the last and I’ve already ordered a couple of boxes to get me going!
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