In our new spotlight, Westeros is once again our destination as we attempt to take our rightful place, in Game of Thrones The Iron Throne.
The Game
In Game of Thrones The Iron Throne, the great houses of Westeros will be pitting iconic characters from the show against one another with their ultimate goal being to claim the Iron Throne. Each turn revolves around the resolution of an encounter between two players, which can result in hostilities, conquests or alliances being formed. Though only two players will be active at one time, the others houses have the opportunity to offer their support to one of conflicting parties.
The game is about more than just jostling for position, as players build schemes within schemes and try to bluff what cards they are holding. A little warning though as Game of Thrones The Iron Throne is extremely bloodthirsty, so I would recommend reaffirming your friendships before opening the box.
Just like in the Game of Thrones TV programme and books, you win or you die.
The publisher
Fantasy Flight started out as a publisher of European comics in the US. They weren't successful until they published the first edition of Twilight Imperium and have since grown to be the fifth largest publisher of board games in the world.
They have in-house design, art, and development staff, but also are the US publishers of a variety of outside designs. They are known for their large quantities of quality components and flashy art style.
Other board games in their arsenal include Runebound, Arkham Horror, The Lord of the Rings and the ever-popular Star Wars series.
Order Game of Thrones The Iron Throne
Game of Thrones The Iron Throne is available from our online store! Order today and battle for supremacy in the troubled world of Westeros!