Today's Spotlight takes us into the world of Dungeons and Dragons as we take a look at one of the most anticipated titles this year, Assault of the Giants.
Assault of the Giants is a 3-6 player area control game that sees players leading tribes of enormous giants as they loot and pillage the land, whilst attempting to fulfil their unique goals. 60 minutes is all that's required for this stomper so let's take a quick look.
The Game
In order to lead your Giants to victory in Assault of the Giants you will need to collect the most ordning or order points at the end of the game. How do you earn these points I hear you ask? Well by crushing skulls of course and by the completion of your races objectives.
Of course none of the six Giant races could possibly want the same thing could they? The puny Hill Giants want to gather food for their queen, the Stone Giants wish to purge the world of the troublesome humans and of course the Frost Giants want to turn the world to ice. Collecting Magical items, fighting Dragons and freeing their king comprise the remaining three - so you can see that each race has a very different avenue for victory.
Just another area control game? Most certainly not. Assault of the Giants also has an interesting card management system going on. Command cards are your source of actions in the game and the way these are dealt with is quite unique. Each card has two abilities, the first being what happens if you play the card as your first action, the second applicable anytime after. This makes the order in which you conduct your turn very important, as the first action may allow you to perform that command once early in turn but playing it later will allow you to take it as many times as you have actions taken. This means that you can set up some rather apocalyptic attacks.
Of course in a game about Giants, we need Giants and this game comes with a ton. Most of these are represented by tokens which allows the game to have a reasonably sized foot print, however the real jewel here is the champion models. These are different for each of the races and range from a solid 60mm to brain bursting 90mm miniatures, for a size comparison the game includes some Giant hunter miniatures too which are suitably overwhelmed even by even the smallest monster.
Whether sacking cities or pummelling other Giants there is plenty of action here, as you attempt to prove you races claim to be the greatest of Giants.
The Publisher
Founded in 2000 to publish the world's first collectable miniatures games, Mage Knight, WizKids went from a virtual distributor to one of the hobby's largest publishers in one year. Since then they have only continued to grow, obtaining licenses for Marvel and DC in order to produce their HeroClix range as well as manufacturing the popular Star Trek and Dungeon & Dragons re licensing of the wings of glory system.
Assault of the Giants is their first Dungeon & Dragons board game and providing they continue to produce products of this level they have a bright future in the board game business.
Assault of the Giants now available!
Want to delve into the World of Faerun? Eager to taste man-flesh? Want to prove your supremacy? Well fortunately our online store offers the best prices around.
Assault of the Giants is available now for a bargain in our online store.