Librarians are the psykers for the Adeptus Astartes, also known as Space Marines in the 41st Millenium. Adeptus Astartes are few in numbers but are genetically enhanced super warriors who serve the emperor of mankind. Librarians are put through rigorous screening and training to be able to control and bend the powers of the warp to become aggressive or supportive battle brothers for their chapter of Adeptus Astartes. They are also tasked with being scribes for their chapters recording the chapter's events and to be guardians of their chapters' lore. Librarians are a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield and when they are clasped in Terminator armour, an advanced form of power armour designed to be more durable than agile, the Librarians can become nearly unstoppable.
I wanted to delve into the Librarian more than the other models of the Warhammer 40000 Leviathan box set by Games Workshop due to its hyped reveal and the fact of having a newer Librarian in terminator armour model. The Leviathan box set hit shelves in June 2023 and was an introductory box to warhammer 40k 10th edition, it contained Space Marines and Tyranids. Recently, the librarian in terminator armour has been released individually but i wanted to touch base on the Leviathan box set version as this is the one i managed to get a hold of.
- I score my miniatures out of 5 using the following:
Material quality - 4 - Assembly - 3
- Appearance balance - 4
- Ease to paint - 3
- Creativity - 5
Bonus: Rebuild/Repaintability - Yes
The Librarian in terminator armour which I will shorten to Librarian now is made using Games Workshops Polystyrene Plastic and is a push fit model. Again this plastic made by Games Workshop, is good, it's robust enough to survive transit, cutting off the sprue and trimming. I had no issues removing the model off the sprue it came with, cleaning it up, though it did have more mould lines than I expected. After cutting and cleaning, I did have some problems putting it together. Mostly with the leg and putting the back and torso together as one unit. It did eventually go together but it was difficult to align and slot in, Some glue was required to assist with the process defying the push fit process. However once it was put together, I was keen to get it primed and on the paint table.
The Librarian is highly detailed with lots going on, he has runic and power infused engraves on his shoulders, legs, head, chest, everywhere basically. He had a hanging emblem off his outstretched hand which was quite brittle, additional pipes and purity seals on his lower half. Now this all fits and makes an exciting Librarian model which fits very thematically to the 40k universe but however, it's an awful lot going on, in a way it feels clustered and could seem overwhelming.
I got him on the paint table and started away at it. I wanted to do an Imperial fist librarian as I never painted that scheme before, which is primarily yellow and some red trimming, but this left me stuck on how to do the runic power engraves throughout the armour. I went with light blue, thought it would be a good contrast and make it pop. I feel it worked in a way but however, painting inside these small lined gaps was rather difficult. Especially to get the effect I wanted. It took several hours alone going through these engraved areas to make them seem viable. However, to my surprise, the rest of the model was fairly simple to paint. The areas were easily accessible via brush and it became rather fun to work on.
To sum up, The model is well built once it is put together and if you can get past the engraved areas its great. I did thoroughly enjoy even with the challenges and I also enjoy painting a space marine as you can be creative with colours and make your own chapters if needs be! I have even considered getting another to paint it as a Salamander so Green with red glowy lights! I give the Space marine Librarian in Terminator armour a solid 70/100