Smash Up is one of those "one of a kind" games. It's a shuffle builder, and shuffle-building in itself sounds alien. When you realise you get to combine factions to make abominable combos, you know it's unique. Zombie Flowers, Steampunk Aliens, Pirate Bear Cavalries... With every expansion, I actually believe the possibilities are endless. And of course, it runs a beautiful system of strengths and weaknesses. Some factions have major strengths, but may also have huge weaknesses. The perfect combination means the perfect win. But that's luck of the draw.
As it stands, there have been 18 unique expansions, with new factions in each. These have gone from the unthinkable to the outrageous, and have expanded the potential combinations beyond recognition! And with each additional faction comes new and unique bases that react in different ways. These are how points are scored and incorporate a heavy emphasis on area management as well as hand management. Forcing a base to break by overloading the attack needed on it can benefit you heavily, but not scoring on it is a bust! There is power in numbers, and that's how you'll win.
So, What's Happening with Smash Up?
Now, Smash Up is a game that's been around a while (since 2012 actually!) and there have been annual releases of new expansions. Often more than annual actually. And these have been consistently 'out-there', if you know what I mean. Cyber Apes are just one cut of the cloth, Kitty Cats are another. But they all fit within a nice tidy expansions box, usually categorising the weird and wonderful within one umbrella of oddness.
So, when you've gone to the extremes of including Tornados, Kung Fu Fighters, Ancient Incas and Sharks, where do you go next? I couldn't guess, but knowing that they're collaborating with the good folk at the The Op can only mean more incredulous ideas. More oddities. Even more atrocious combinations across two factions. And most importantly, even more play available!
If you're not up to date on your publishers, The Op are the guys behind many, many games! Telestrations, Marvel Codenames, Thanos Rising... a pretty eclectic set of game, so it only seems fitting they'd delve into the insane combinations of Smash Up!
Why Are We Excited?
This partnership will see Smash Up factions appearing in 2020 under new licensing, and will inevitably end up with more excellent combinations! Who knows what will appear next? Carnivorous Appliances? Furnishings? Cloud Varieties? Honestly, anything can happen, and with Smash Up's track record, it'll happen superbly!