Remember Marble tilt or maze? Where you had to get the marble around the maze into the hole? Well that’s Slide Quest but only more fun and less wanting to throw it out of a window after ten minutes, Plus this is co-operative so you can blame your mistakes on others! After initially overlooking Slide Quest, I had heard some good things so thought why not give it a try and was pleasantly surprised.
Slide Quest is a game for 1-4 players, although I would say unless you happen to have four arms this might be a bit difficult for one player alone. Depending on player count each player will control one or more of the levers or handles of sorts. You have a number of different tiles you try which range in difficultly, the selected level is placed in top of the game board which happens to sit in the lid of the game box; and then all required components are placed into the relevant spaces on the board.
Players can then use their levers to raise or lower their side of the board, when doing this it will or should roll the Knight (who is on a metal ball) in a certain direction. Players will have to work together to get the Knight to move in the correct directions and complete their objective.
Slide quest has different tiles that range in difficulties. Nearly all these levels will have you following the light green line towards an exit normally a archway. If you fall off the line you have to put the Knight straight back on. So working together and being careful are important here.
You will start with a certain amount of life depending how hard you want to game to be. After each tile, things keep getting harder and more challenges will be added. Ranging from pits where your Knight can fall to Guards who you will have to push into holes (sometimes in a certain order) to move out of your way to get to your goal. As well as the Villain or what I like to think of as the boss of the level who you will have to push into a holes of a certain colour.
There’s also dynamite which normally loses you a life if knocked over. But the game can sometimes have you moving them to other locations which can normally end badly, which is where these lives come in handy for restarting after doing things in the wrong order or falling into a hole yourself. On the flip side of this there will be hearts on the board where if you hit them you can regain life points.
I will admit this dexterity game works on a gimmick but so do lots of dexterity games and this uses it in such a fun way, the cooperation in this game is higher than any other I have played not just including dexterity ones. I will say again that playing this solo is nearly impossible and that with two players it can also be a little more frustrating and loses some of that cooperation as you end up doing lots of work on your own, so I would suggest the full player count for this one.
In terms of set up and ease of play Slide Quest is so easy and simple, right away when I set this game up it was nearly immediately obvious to everyone what needed to be done (apart from a few extra rules). Sadly with only twenty levels if your any better than me at the game you could get through these pretty quick, I would suggest to play this with different groups as cooperation is the biggest part of this game and you can get much more out of it. So if you looking for something a bit different and fun for the whole family or something to play between them heavy euros then this might be for you, I wouldn’t just overlook this one.