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2427 Search results for: Warhammer

Index Cards: Leagues Of Votann (Eng)

  Jasmine Pitchers   04/07/2023

The Kin are a clone race of resilient and pragmatic warriors, who together form the ancient Leagues of Votann. They emerge from the tumult of the galactic core to conquer […]

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Index Cards: Imperial Agents (Eng)

  Jasmine Pitchers   04/07/2023

Imperial Agents are ruthless, influential, and single-minded individuals, from Inquisitors to Rogue Traders, who command bands of grim specialists and lethal operatives in the service of the Emperor. This deck […]

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Index Cards: World Eaters (Eng)

  Jasmine Pitchers   04/07/2023

Fanatical devotees of Khorne the Blood God, the World Eaters Traitor Legion is formed of countless warbands who exist only to slaughter and take skulls in honour of their bloody […]

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Index Cards: Adeptus Mechanicus (Eng)

  Jasmine Pitchers   04/07/2023

The Adeptus Mechanicus go to war with cohorts of Skitarii cyborg templars, bizarre war engines, and the fanatical followers of the Machine God, led into holy war by their robed […]

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Index Cards: Grey Knights (Eng)

  Jasmine Pitchers   04/07/2023

The Grey Knights are the lmperium’s daemon hunters, a secret Space Marine Chapter of warrior-mystics. Clad in sigil-scribed power armour, they wield archaic weapons to channel their otherworldly abilities. This […]

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Index Cards: T’Au Empire (Eng)

  Jasmine Pitchers   04/07/2023

The T’au Empire is a young and dynamic civilisation of technologically advanced aliens, spreading like wildfire across the stars as they seek to unite every sapient being under the philosophy […]

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Index Cards: Black Templars (Eng)

  Jasmine Pitchers   04/07/2023

The Black Templars are the most zealous of all Space Marines. To them, the Emperor is a literal deity, and there is no oath they will not swear, nor bloody […]

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Index Cards: Knight Households (Eng)

  Jasmine Pitchers   04/07/2023

Knights are colossal suits of armour bristling with heavy weapons, employed both by noble houses of the lmperium and those fallen to Chaos. Regardless of their allegiance, they are capable […]

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Index Cards: Space Wolves (Eng)

  Jasmine Pitchers   04/07/2023

The Space Wolves are not only Space Marines, but also savage hunters and proud heroes from the death world of Fenris. They wage war without fear or doubt, each warrior […]

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Index Cards: Adepta Sororitas (Eng)

  Jasmine Pitchers   04/07/2023

The zealous warriors of the Adepta Sororitas are the most devout servants of the Imperium. Singing praise to the God-Emperor, they embark on crusading Wars of Faith to smite the […]

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