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  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

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  • This takes Risk up a few levels, creating a game that has a great deal more depth and strategy.
  • A simple gateway entry level war game.

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  • Play is likely to take about three hours.
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Risk 2210 Board Game Review

Risk 2210 Review

Set in the not too distant future, battles are now fought with mighty machines of destruction (MoDs) led by a number of Commanders each with different special powers and abilities. In Risk 2210  the addition of Command Cards adds a new dimension to the game, as does the need to manage the supply of energy, necessary to purchase Command Cards, hire Commanders and more. These additions add a great deal more strategy to the game, which is limited to five turns of battle, not just over the continents, but the oceans and the moon.

At heart it is still Risk, it has the same base combat mechanism. Risk 2210 plays in under three hours (so does not go on forever) but has a lot more strategy and is a lot more fun. It is best with four or five players and is not a game I would recommend with two, even with the enclosed rules for a two-player game.

The board, actually there are two, one represents the moon and one the earth, the Earth board looks pretty much like the regular Risk board, with territories renamed and with the addition of underwater cities in the oceans gives the game a familiar feel.


Ultimately it is Risk, with the well known dice driven combat system, so combat is quick and dirty.  A player turn will go something like this; First-up everyone bids with energy for turn order, with the player who bid the most energy getting first choice of position in turn order, then the player who bid the second highest and so on. Then, in sequence, players get to take their turn.

It will start with collecting more MoDs and more energy - these both come from the number of spaces occupied and with bonuses for continents etc, so just like Risk.  The player can then hire Commanders, build space stations, buy command cards, and play command cards, all of which cost energy.  Then, just like in Risk, it’s time to start rampaging across the board, or consolidating a defensive position.  After which the next player in sequence takes a turn.

There is more to do than in regular Risk, there is the moon which can be invaded but to do so the player must have an active Space Commander. Many of the Command Cards have powerful effects, especially the Nuclear cards which can be devastating, but again these cannot be used without the Nuclear Commander in play.  The Naval cards may provide extra energy which is often helpful, the Diplomat cards may enable a player to steal energy or impose peace accords, and so on.

Space stations add to defence, Commanders if in battle get to use an eight-sided dice, and at times players can reveal previously unknown and hidden defences. These additions although not complex do make the game feel sufficiently different to regular Risk, they add a lot of extra game play for very little added complexity.

Unlike classic Risk the game does not go on forever.  After five full turns the game ends, and a winner is determined in much the same was as classic Risk.  Add the number of territories, continental bonuses, and in addition any bonuses from Command Cards. Energy is a tie breaker as is number of mods of the board.  Because the game is fixed to the five turns there are no specific missions or other sudden win conditions.


Upgrades and Expansions

There are a variety of expansions out there for Risk 2210, but currently none are in print.

Component Quality

The board is on good stock and is thematic, the cards are well designed, and the plastic minis are pretty cool - especially if you like the idea of giant robots. The black and white rule book is well laid out and clear, and contains rules for classic Risk and two player variants. Visually the entire package it is good enough to grab attention.

Some Things to Consider

  • Manipulation of turn order can be important. There is a lot to be said for going last in one turn and first in the subsequent turn.
  • Energy is needed for all manner of things, use it wisely, you will never have enough so decisions will need to be weighed in the balance.
  • Some actions cannot be taken without the appropriate Commander so look after them, getting them killed and in need of replacement is expensive. Be careful with those Commanders – they are valuable end expensive.  Neutralising an enemy commander is often worthwhile.
  • Space Stations are great for defence, so are useful places to protect a continent, but they are expensive to purchase and if lost movement between the Earth and the Moon can be seriously restricted.
  • Yes you can move most of your forces to the Moon, nuke the Earth from orbit and then stage a massive invasion of Earth – your fellow players will almost certainly see it coming though, and take steps.

Final Thoughts on Risk 2210

If I have a gripe with Risk 2210 it would be this; For what is an entry level or gateway war game, it is perhaps a little long. That being said, Risk 2210 is both fun and a big improvement on classic Risk. The five full turn rule keeps the game tight and means players need to carefully plan strategy on the board, manage their energy reserves and consider their position in turn order.

The different Commanders add a lot of variety, never for example underestimate the Diplomat Commander, that enforced peace treaty can be as devastating to a planned strategy as a nuclear bombardment.

It’s not deep, the rules are simple and easy to understand, and there is not a steep learning curve.  The addition of the energy economy, Commanders and Command Cards add a new level to Risk, ensuring that each game will be different. So activate that Nuclear Commander and rain fiery death on your enemies, but be careful, those missiles and bombs may not be as accurate as you would hope.

Zatu Score


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You might like

  • This takes Risk up a few levels, creating a game that has a great deal more depth and strategy.
  • A simple gateway entry level war game.

Might not like

  • Play is likely to take about three hours.

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