Last month, Cool Mini or Not (CMON) announced the return of the Super Fantasy Brawl game under the form of “Reborn”.
The game was first published in 2022 by Mythic games and the concept of the game is set in a time where war is obsolete. In order to satisfy the board population Super Fantasy Brawl was born for entertainment. War was stopped through magic, this same magic was utilised to reach back in time to pluck out the finest warriors in civilization to compete in the arena. From what I can see there is a little more to this game than all out brawling, there are other objectives to complete with strategies for victory. Fundamentally though, it is your champions v your opponents champions.
Enter the behemoth of a board game company, CMON, to take Super Fantasy Brawl to the next level in 2025. Their campaign to back is now active on Gamefound. CMON notes in their social media promotions that peace never lasts and the Brawl is back. They have revitalised favourite champions and introduced new champions. They have enhanced and upgraded the artwork and the mini details. These minis do look absolutely stunning. CMON always does a great job here.
The biggest introduction that got me excited is CMON’s inclusion of much loved fictional characters. They have acquired the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as well as a host of favourite characters from the Mortal Kombat Saga. This is exciting. Who doesn’t want to see these 2 casts go head to head?
The campaign on Gamefound is well worth checking out, unlike kickstarter where CMON used to do most business and run their campaigns. You can now just pre order what you want from this set. However, typically Gamefound does have goals to target, similarly to kickstarter. This is a little unusual from my experiences.
I’m surprised to see a game that was only created in 2022 receive such an update and overhaul already. For me, it’s still a new game. CMON have clearly identified the further potential of the franchise and want to push it on to another level. 2025 will see the Brawl reborn and I cannot wait.