Yummy World: Party at Picnic Palace

Yummy World: Party at Picnic Palace

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Yummy World is a deliciously fun world made up of a unique cast of food characters. Yummy World is set in the magical town of Sprinkle Tree, a magically yummy place where food is fun and fresh-baked friendships and adventures meet. Yummy World: Party at Picnic Palace is a fun game in which you flip over cards to reveal all the different and delicious characters of Yummy World. When …
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-WZK72891 Availability Out of stock
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Yummy World is a deliciously fun world made up of a unique cast of food characters. Yummy World is set in the magical town of Sprinkle Tree, a magically yummy place where food is fun and fresh-baked friendships and adventures meet.

Yummy World: Party at Picnic Palace is a fun game in which you flip over cards to reveal all the different and delicious characters of Yummy World. When you see a set you like, grab it! But don't wait too long, or someone else will nab them first!

Collect sets of the same character to score big points. The rarer the card, the more you will score as you collect!