Yugioh: Legendary Duelists – Season 2
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Unveil the Legends of Domino City with Yu-Gi-Oh: Legendary Duelists: Season 2!
This collector's set features 131 cards from the manga and anime. It carries on the characters and decks seen in the previous two Legendary Duelists sets. Power up Seto Kaiba's Blue-Eyes deck from White Dragon Abyss! Mai Valentine's Harpie Lady deck returns with a vengeance! And, for the first time in the Legendary Duelists series, use Kite Tenjo's Photon deck!
Blue-Eyes is a powerful control archetype deck. Based around achieving dominance of the field, they will destroy enemy cards often. If you combine this with a powerful card draw effect, which Blue-Eyes has a lot of, you can easily win in a very small amount of turns.
The Harpie Lady deck is a fast-playing archetype that work well with eachother. This is commonly called a combo deck. Many Harpies will increase the attack of eachother to let you overwhelm your opponents with speed and style.
Photon deck is another control deck, but unlike Blue-Eyes it works defensively. By setting up a huge wall of cards, you can use them to special-summon powerful monsters to wipe the enemy board.
Each box of Legendary Duelists: Season 2 contains 37 cards, with one guaranteed Secret Rare!
1x Secret Rare
2x Booster Packs of 18 cards
Secret Rares:
Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon
Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon
Bingo Machine, Go!!
Blackwing Full Armor Master
Photon Orbital
Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon
Harpie Perfumer
Garden Rose Maiden
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
Urgent Schedule

The first Yu-Gi-Oh! Set of 2021 has arrived with Legendary Duelists: Season 2. Following on from Yu-Gi-Oh Legendary Duelists: Season 1, this set introduces 1 new “Blue-Eyes” and 1 new “Galaxy-Eyes” card. This season includes the hottest cards from Legendary Duelists: Sisters of the Rose and Legendary Duelists: White Dragon Abyss, meaning there are plenty of Blue-Eyes, Rose Dragon and Harpie cards to collect.
What’s included in the Yu-Gi-Oh Legendary Duelists: Season 2 set?
Continuing the theme of this set type, each box contains 1 of 5 collectible die featuring Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Amazoness Baby Tiger, Harpie Lady, or the KaibaCorp logo (this one is a very rare find!). You’ll also find two packs of cards, each containing 3 ultra rares and 15 commons. Finally, you’ll receive 1 of 10 secret rare cards, from which you have a chance of picking up “Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon”.
So in total, each box contains:
- 1 of 10 Secret Rare
- 6 Ultra Rares (2 standard Ultra Rares, 4 colorful Ultra Rares)
- 30 Commons
- 1 of 5 collectable die
Bring Some Colour to your deck!
Colourful ultra rares also make their return in this set, so you’ll have the opportunity to pick up a green ultra rare Blue-Eyes White Dragon or a blue ultra rare Harpie Lady Sisters card – you’ll soon build a very colourful deck! In total, there are 30 Ultra Rares to collect, which are available in green, blue, purple or the standard gold lettering.

Nostalgic Archetypes
From a nostalgia point of view, this set will please fans of the Blue-Eyes, Harpie and Rose archetypes, with a generous reprinting of classic cards such as “Blue-Eyes White Dragon”, “Harpie Lady Sisters” and “Black Rose Dragon”. Add in the colourful ultra rare variants and it makes this a very exciting box to open. The set does include newer link/pendulum cards, but maintains a nice theme with Cyber Dragon/Harpie link cards and Rose synchros. If you’re looking out for new cards to include in your Dragon-themed deck, this set will supplement it nicely.
Trap/Spell Support
Included in this set are a range of trap & spell cards which provide support for a number of archetypes. You’ll find the classic Harpie support cards such as “Hysteric Party” and “Harpie Lady Elegance”, “Alluring Mirror Split”, “Elegant Egotist” and “Cyber Shield”. If you’re building a Dragon deck, this set includes “Dragon Shrine” and “Neutron Blast”. Rose/Plant support cards in this set include “Black Garden”, “Thorn of Malice” and “Mark of the Rose”. If you’re a fan of the Abyss Actor pendulum cards, then you’ll find “Abyss Script – Romantic Terror” and “Abyss Playhouse – Fantastic Theatre” in here to support the 4 Abyss Actor cards than can also be found in this set.
Final Comments
Yu-Gi-Oh Legendary Duelists: Season 2 is a fun, nostalgic and colourful set which will brighten up your deck and bring excitement to those who enjoy the Blue-Eyes, Harpie and Rose cards. With the addition of the collectable die, the inclusion of fairly valuable secret rares and the jumbo 18-card packs, you can’t go wrong for the very reasonable price of these boxes.
Zatu Score
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- Colourful ultra rares
- Nostalgic cards
- Collectable die
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- Wide support for deck types leaves some high and dry