Yugioh: Dawn of Majesty Booster Box
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Includes new members/support for the "Evil?Twin", "Live?Twin", "Number", "Pendulum", "Fusion", "Stigmatika", "Chemicritter", "Alien", "Triamid", "Amazement", "?ttraction", "Chronomaly", "Solfachord", "Gusto", "Skyblaster", "Majestic", "Stardust", "Synchron", "Stigmatika", "Springans", and "Warrior" archetypes, as well as Gizmek and Synchro series.
Introduces the "Despia", "Magikey" and "Suship" archetypes to the OCG/TCG, as well as the first support for "Mystical Beast of the Forest" and "Mystical Spirit of the Forest" archetypes.
This box contains 24 packs. Each pack contains 5 cards.