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An all-new team of X-Women in a no-holds-barred action-packed adventure! Enter the Grindhouse of X! When Jubilee and Boom-Boom agree to take Dazzler out for a night on the town to console her after her nasty breakup, they have no idea they're about to be kidnapped and put into elaborate death traps for their efforts! What are three young women with the power to blow things up to …
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An all-new team of X-Women in a no-holds-barred action-packed adventure!_x005F_x000D_
Enter the Grindhouse of X! When Jubilee and Boom-Boom agree to take Dazzler out for a night on the town to console her after her nasty breakup, they have no idea they're about to be kidnapped and put into elaborate death traps for their efforts! What are three young women with the power to blow things up to do? Find a fourth who is not afraid of a little blood, sweat and carnage - enter Wolverine! It's a quartet of deadly X-Women, held captive, fighting for their lives…and, more importantly, for vengeance on the @#$%#$@ dead man who did this to them!