Worzel Gummidge Series 1 to 4 Complete Collection (1979-1981) - DVD

Worzel Gummidge Series 1 to 4 Complete Collection (1979-1981) – DVD

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Complete collection of episodes from the children’s television series based on the books by Barbara Euphan Todd comprising of all four series of the original show, the 1980 Christmas special ‘A Cup o’ Tea an’ a’ Slice o’ Cake’ and both series of the spin-off show ‘Worzel Gummidge Down Under’. Episodes from the original series are…
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Complete collection of episodes from the children's television series based on the books by Barbara Euphan Todd comprising of all four series of the original show, the 1980 Christmas special 'A Cup o' Tea an' a' Slice o' Cake' and both series of the spin-off show 'Worzel Gummidge Down Under'.
Episodes from the original series are: 'Worzel's Washing Day', 'A Home Fit for Scarecrows', 'Aunt Sally', 'The Crowman', 'A Little Learning', 'Worzel Pays a Visit', 'The Scarecrow Hop', 'Worzel and the Saucy Nancy', 'Worzel's Nephew', 'A Fishy Tale', 'The Trial of Worzel Gummidge', 'Very Good, Worzel', 'Worzel in the Limelight', 'Fire Drill', 'The Scarecrow Wedding', 'Moving On', 'Dolly Clothes-Peg', 'A Fair Old Pullover', 'Worzel the Brave', 'Worzel's Wager', 'The Return of Dafthead', 'Captain Worzel', 'Choir Practice', 'Muvver's Day', 'The Return of Dolly Clothes-Peg', 'The Jumbly Sale', 'Worzel in Revolt', 'Will the Real Aunt Sally...?', 'The Golden Hind' and 'Worzel's Birthday'.
In 'A Cup o' Tea and a Slice o' Cake', Worzel gets himself into trouble when he doesn't show up on Christmas Eve with all the other scarecrows to help guide Santa on his return journey to the North Pole, and it might just stop him from being allowed to attend the Scarecrow Ball.
Episodes from 'Worzel Gummidge Down Under' are: 'As the Scarecrow Flies', 'The Sleeping Beauty', 'Full Employment', 'Worzel's Handicap', 'King of the Scarecrows', 'Ten Heads are Better Than One', 'Worzel to the Rescue', 'Slave Scarecrow', 'A Traveller Unmasked', 'A Friend in Need', 'Stage Struck', 'A Red Sky in T'Morning', 'Them Thar Hills', 'The Beauty Contest', 'Bulbous Cauliflower', 'Weevily Swede', 'Elementary My Dear Worty', 'Dreams of Avarish', 'Runaway Train', 'Aunt Sally, R.A.', 'Wattle Hearthbrush' and 'The Bestest Scarecrow'.