Wizardry to the Power of Three

Wizardry to the Power of Three

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The wizard students are in trouble! It’s long past bedtime, but they sneaked out of the wizards’ school to visit the secret midnight market and see the flying brooms and talking cats they heard the grown-ups talk about. Unfortunately, they don’t get far for while crossing the forest near the wizards’ school, Willy the Warden Ghost takes up their trail. Now th…
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The wizard students are in trouble! It's long past bedtime, but they sneaked out of the wizards' school to visit the secret midnight market and see the flying brooms and talking cats they heard the grown-ups talk about. Unfortunately, they don't get far for while crossing the forest near the wizards' school, Willy the Warden Ghost takes up their trail. Now they have to double back quickly or they are facing detention. But the forest is too dark to find the way back without help. Luckily they have an idea: The Lumies, magical glowing creatures that live in the forest, can light their way back to the school. The wizard students need to stick together to find the Lumies and make it back to the school before Willy catches one of them. While escaping the Warden Ghost in Wizardry to the power of three, players need to work together, memorize the tree tiles, and use their magic potions and dice enchantments at the right time to make it back without being caught and win as a team.



The wizard students are in trouble! It's long past bedtime, but they sneaked out of the wizards' school to visit the secret midnight market and see the flying brooms and talking cats they heard the grown-ups talk about. Unfortunately, they don't get far for while crossing the forest near the wizards' school, Willy the Warden Ghost takes up their trail. Now they have to double back quickly or they are facing detention. But the forest is too dark to find the way back without help. Luckily they have an idea: The Lumies, magical glowing creatures that live in the forest, can light their way back to the school. The wizard students need to stick together to find the Lumies and make it back to the school before Willy catches one of them. While escaping the Warden Ghost in Wizardry to the power of three, players need to work together, memorize the tree tiles, and use their magic potions and dice enchantments at the right time to make it back without being caught and win as a team.