Wits and Wagers Family Edition

Wits and Wagers Family Edition

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RRP £24.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Wits & Wagers Family is the family version of the most award winning party game in history. This edition is more simple, has less down time, and is more portable than the original Wits & Wagers. It also removes the “gambling” element and has questions that are appropriate for kids and the whole family. Most importantly, Wits & Wagers Family makes use of …
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-NSG150 Availability Backorder
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Wits & Wagers Family is the family version of the most award winning party game in history.
This edition is more simple, has less down time, and is more portable than the original Wits & Wagers. It also removes the "gambling" element and has questions that are appropriate for kids and the whole family. Most importantly, Wits & Wagers Family makes use of the beloved Meeple playing piece!

How to Play
1) A question is asked.
2) Everyone writes down a guess.
3) The guesses are placed face-up on the table and ordered smallest to largest.
4) Place your Meeples on the guess that you think is closest to the right answer.

Feeling confident? Place a Meeple on your guess.
Think your kids knows better? Place your Meeples on their guess.
Have no idea? Bet on any guess and hope you get lucky!

You can score up to 4 points on each question:
1 point for correctly placing the Small Meeple
2 points for correctly placing the Large Meeple
1 point if your guess is closest

The first player to 15 points wins.

125 Question Cards (150 in first edition)
5 Dry Erase Boards
5 Dry Erase Pens
1 Permanent Answer Board (with a "1")
5 Large Meeples (worth 2 points)
5 Small Meeples (worth 1 point)
1 Dry Erase Score Board
1 Full-color Rules