Wilderfeast - Journal Pack

Wilderfeast – Journal Pack

RRP: £13.00
Now £10.89(SAVE 16%)
RRP £13.00
Expected Release Date 01/03/2025
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A pack of 6 saddle-stitched, 20-page journals for Wilderfeast, where wilders can keep track of the knowledge they gain, as well as the amazing recipes they create, over the course of their adventures.
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Category Tags , SKU MOD-HG221 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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A pack of 6 saddle-stitched, 20-page journals for Wilderfeast, where wilders can keep track of the knowledge they gain, as well as the amazing recipes they create, over the course of their adventures.

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A pack of 6 saddle-stitched, 20-page journals for Wilderfeast, where wilders can keep track of the knowledge they gain, as well as the amazing recipes they create, over the course of their adventures.