Wilderfeast - Guide Screen

Wilderfeast – Guide Screen

RRP: £13.00
Now £10.89(SAVE 16%)
RRP £13.00
Expected Release Date 01/03/2025
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A premium game master screen for the Wilderfeast roleplaying game, with useful information on key gameplay elements printed on the inner side, to help the Guide while running games. Fun and evocative art on the player side. Useful information on key gameplay elements printed on the Guide side. Custom integrated card holder to display locations or monsters from the associated card d…
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Category Tags , , SKU MOD-HG215 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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A premium game master screen for the Wilderfeast roleplaying game, with useful information on key gameplay elements printed on the inner side, to help the Guide while running games.

Fun and evocative art on the player side.
Useful information on key gameplay elements printed on the Guide side.
Custom integrated card holder to display locations or monsters from the associated card decks (available separately).
Helps the Guide while running games with all the information at a glance.

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A premium game master screen for the Wilderfeast roleplaying game, with useful information on key gameplay elements printed on the inner side, to help the Guide while running games.

Fun and evocative art on the player side.
Useful information on key gameplay elements printed on the Guide side.
Custom integrated card holder to display locations or monsters from the associated card decks (available separately).
Helps the Guide while running games with all the information at a glance.