Wight Power

Wight Power

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64 page full color A5-sized hardcover Writing and Design by Alex Mayo Strange Things are Afoot on the Isle of Wight! An archeological expedition searching for artifacts beneath an abandoned Abbey has a problem — two problems, actually. A scholar working the dig has disappeared and one of the mercenaries contracted to provide security has been murdered. Tension between the two grou…
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64 page full color A5-sized hardcover
Writing and Design by Alex Mayo

Strange Things are Afoot on the Isle of Wight!

An archeological expedition searching for artifacts beneath an abandoned Abbey has a problem — two problems, actually. A scholar working the dig has disappeared and one of the mercenaries contracted to provide security has been murdered. Tension between the two groups (okay, that’s three problems, but who’s counting?) means someone from the outside needs to be brought in to investigate. Perfect work for a bunch of money-hungry adventurers with a nose for solving other people’s problems, wouldn’t you agree?

Wight Power, written by Alex Mayo and lavished with lots of fancy art by CANCELED, is an adventure suitable for low-level characters for use with Lamentations of the Flame Princess Weird Fantasy Roleplaying and other traditional roleplaying games.