White Dwarf January 2020 (english)
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January's White Dwarf contains loads of exciting news, articles, and photos to immerse you in the amazing worlds of Warhammer!
Last of the Silent Kings
The undisputed ruler of the ancient Necrontyr empire was known as the Silent King. In the aftermath of biotransference, the ruling Silent King, Szarekh, became disillusioned with the cruel fate of his people, leaving them behind and setting out for the intergalactic void in self-imposed exile. Yet there are rumours now that the ancestral ruler of the Necrons may have returned to the galaxy…
To discern the truth, you’ll have to read this fascinating lore article for yourself!
Skies of Slaughter
In the second part of the Skybattles rules, which was introduced last month in December’s issue, you can look forward to five battleplans, campaign rules and no less than 27 warscrolls for a menagerie of flying beasties, ranging from a Megaboss on Maw-krusha to a terrifyingly powerful Bloodthirster.
Kill Team Dispositions
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team is already among the most narrative-driven games, but the new rules for Dispositions enable you to take your theme of choice one step further.
In narrative play games, you’ll be able to select one Disposition for your kill team – Ferocious, Guerrilla, Headhunters, Dread or Covert – each of which will unlock a set of three thematic Tactics that you can utilise on any of your models. Not only that, but there are six new narrative play missions that you can try them out in!