Western Legends Expansion: Ante Up

Western Legends Expansion: Ante Up

RRP: $44.99
Now $47.45(SAVE 15%)
RRP $55.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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As the territories expand westward, untold fortune awaits those eager to write their name across the face of history. Some will become legends with a revolver in hand, while others will gamble their way to infamy. Ante Up is the first big box expansion to the award-winning, Western Legends. The Western Legends: Ante Up expansion raises the stakes with new features such as the mini-g…
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Tags , , , SKU ZBG-SWES004 Availability Backorder
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As the territories expand westward, untold fortune awaits those eager to write their name across the face of history. Some will become legends with a revolver in hand, while others will gamble their way to infamy.

Ante Up is the first big box expansion to the award-winning, Western Legends. The Western Legends: Ante Up expansion raises the stakes with new features such as the mini-game Faro, a train that travels the boards for unlawful players to rob, and much more. Ante Up also adds new characters, items, Man in Black cards, and Poker cards to mix or replace content from the original game.