Werewolf The Apocalypse - PS4

Werewolf The Apocalypse – PS4

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Playstation 4
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A unique experience full of savage combat and mystical adventures_x000D_ inspired by the famous role-playing game_x000D_ you are cahal, a powerful garou who chose to go into Exile after losing control of his destructive Rage_x000D_ you can transform into a Wolf and a crinos, a huge ferocious beast_x000D_ you must master your three forms and their powers to punish those who defile Ga…
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A unique experience full of savage combat and mystical adventures_x000D_
inspired by the famous role-playing game_x000D_
you are cahal, a powerful garou who chose to go into Exile after losing control of his destructive Rage_x000D_
you can transform into a Wolf and a crinos, a huge ferocious beast_x000D_
you must master your three forms and their powers to punish those who defile Gaia. But your worst enemy is yourself: if you don't contain your Rage, it can destroy you once again