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Welcome To Your Perfect Home

Welcome To Your Perfect Home

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Roll and write games are big right now! People cannot get enough of them. Welcome To Your Perfect Home is technically not a roll and write, replacing the usual dice with a deck of cards. The game sets you the task of building a nice set of neighbourhoods on the provided pad. There are various rules for how you do this but basically you will divide the cards into three equally decks …
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Golden Pear
Value For Money


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You Might Like

  • The really accessible theme.
  • Everyone is playing all of the time.
  • There are so many ways to win.

Might Not Like

  • You might run out of score sheets one day unless you laminate!
  • You can't really affect other players in the game.
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Roll and write games are big right now! People cannot get enough of them. Welcome To Your Perfect Home is technically not a roll and write, replacing the usual dice with a deck of cards. The game sets you the task of building a nice set of neighbourhoods on the provided pad.

There are various rules for how you do this but basically you will divide the cards into three equally decks then draw one card of the top of each deck. This will provide three pairs of cards as all the cards are double-sided. So, you will have a number between one and 15 on one side and a special power on the back. You choose one pair of cards (a deck and the card drawn from it) and must use the number, and may use the power attached.

These powers can help you divide your neighbourhoods into smaller sections, build gardens and pools, mitigate house numbers and so on. Numbers must be drawn on one of the houses in one of the three rows and they must go up in sequence from left to right. They don’t have to be consecutive but always in sequence.

Very quickly you will be faced with tough decisions, and if you ever cannot place a number you will risk taking negative points. Added to this trying to achieve three objectives which reward the first players to achieve them with more points and suddenly this light and airy draw and write game becomes a spacial challenge.

There is an included variant which adds in roundabouts for a greater challenge and the game plays at a good pace. Hitting shops soon are a number of themed expansion packs which will add variety and you can potentially play a lot of people at once due to them only needing to know what the card options are and have access to a sheet.

Player Count: 1-100
Time: 25 Minutes
Age: 10+


Welcome to your Perfect Home was first released by Blue Cocker Games – a French board game publisher. Luckily, some die-hard fans of the roll and write genre got hold of a copy by importing it and told the world about its awesome-ness.

Roll and writes are typically games where you roll dice and write something on a printed pad of paper based on the results – Yahtzee being the most classic example. Welcome To actually has no dice – it instead has decks of cards, so we’ve been calling it a ‘flip and fill’.

Fortunately, Welcome to your Perfect Home gained enough attention to be picked up by Deep Water Games for wider distribution and they will be bringing and extended version to Kickstarter in the coming months, to even further widen the reach of this very popular game.

Welcome to your Perfect Home Gameplay

Welcome To is a game for 1-99 players. Why 99? Technically the player count is limited, because each turn, all players will be given the same choices to pick from to add to their player sheet. Each player has a player sheet depicting a neighbourhood full of houses with no numbers on the doors. Over the course of the game you have to add numbers to the houses so that they are in ascending order.

Each turn the decks of cards will reveal three combinations of one house number and one action, and all players select one pair to use. House numbers range from 1-15 and you can write the house number in anywhere on your player sheet, which is arranged in three streets, so long as you obey the ascending numbers rule.

You also get the corresponding power, which might allow you to add a tree to the street, or a pool to the house you just numbered. Your power might allow you to draw a fence to create smaller groups of houses which are good for end game points. Or you might be able to modify the house number value to better fit it into the spaces available on your sheet.

As you fill up your player sheet, it will become harder to place some numbers and the end game can be triggered if anyone fails to write in a house number three times. The other end game trigger is if one layer completes all three bonus cards by creating specific plots with the right number of houses. Points are available in many ways based on bonuses you took or objectives that you achieved, but the player with the most points wins.

Playing Welcome to your Perfect Home Playing Welcome To… (Credit: FunStorm BGG)

Amy’s Final Thoughts

While technically not a roll and write game, Welcome to your Perfect Home certainly still falls into this genre, all that’s missing is the sound of dice rolling! Letting everyone play at the same time means you are never bored, but with three choices a round you a guaranteed to play differently from everyone else at the table, at least after a turn or two!

By its very nature Welcome To is a meticulously fair game, while there certainly can feel like there’s an element of luck, ultimately the same ratios of numbers will appear over the game and every player gets the exact same opportunities. Of course, as players diverge the numbers and abilities they want to come up varies, but the feeling of fairness remains – only you are responsible for the situation you are in. Combine that vast amount of choice, with naming your town at the start of the game and you get a real personal connection with your player board throughout the game.

Welcome To is a wonderfully simple game, it’s easy enough for nearly anyone to pick up, and yet has enough depth to it to keep gamers interested. It’s a game that I will happily take with me to any group of people and be assured of a good time!

Fiona’s Final Thoughts

We jumped on the Welcome To bandwagon pretty early, and we still haven’t got off it! It’s been a great game to play with just two players, but we’ve also introduced it to different groups of friends, some of which have very limited experience with modern games.

What sets Welcome to your Perfect Home apart from a number of the early roll and write games is the theme. No longer are you just rolling dice to fill out numbers on a board in quite an abstract way, you now have a full colour board where you’re developing a town you can be proud of. Just the simple act of letting player’s name their town is one that really gets new players into the game.

Underneath the theme, the game is actually not that mechanically dissimilar to something like Qwinto, where you must assign your numbers in order on different rows, but the addition of the special ability cards it what really makes this a game with a lot more longevity for us than a simple roll and write. Each game I find that we pursue different strategies based on focusing on swimming pools or trees, for example. I particularly enjoy the goal cards that drive me towards investment in certain sizes of land parcels, which really gives me a structure to the game.

Welcome to is one of absolute favourite games in this genre and I would recommend it for almost any occasion, for almost any group. It’s flexibility for group size and its accessibility are huge plus points for getting Welcome To onto our table.

Zombies, Ice creams, fairy lights, and nuclear fallout zones. If that doesn’t sound like a fun town to live in then, quite frankly, you’ve been living under a rock!

You may already be familiar with the phenomenal flip and fill game Welcome to Your Perfect Home published by BlueCocker Games, and not just because I wax lyrical about it at any given opportunity!

But if you aren’t, then you are seriously missing out, my friends!

The full Welcome To review by fellow blogger, The Game Shelf, is available here. However, to get you in the mood to move, I will give the briefest of overviews of the basic gameplay below.

A* Architects!

In Welcome To, you are playing an architect trying to build out your town. But not just any town, however. Your town needs to be THE destination location if you are going to be crowned the daddy of all designers!

So, how do you turn purchasers with mortgage money into precious points? Well, Your town is going to need to have sparkling swimming pools and luscious green parks aplenty for a start. Plus, if you can be the first architect to group your des res in combinations matching strict building contracts, you can sneak in some serious bonus planning points.

On each turn, you (and everybody else) will select a pair of cards from three distinct piles. Then you will write that number on any space on one of your three streets and (if desired) carry out the corresponding building action. Standard placement rules state that you can only write numbers in consecutive order from lowest to highest and you cannot duplicate a number in any one street (although, having said that, subdividing streets via roundabouts is possible but you will be justly punished through negative marking – and rightly so as who would want to live next door to a traffic circle?!).  The game ends when one player achieves all three building contracts, or conversely, when somebody defaults on them all. And whoever has achieved the most points overall wins!

There are of course lots of finer details which will either score you points or take them away. But the game is a constant Jackhammer of decision making; forcing players to make tough decisions each round because every.building.counts! Some luck of the draw is in play through the combinations coming out of the three decks. But flexibility is key. And this game gives you just enough space to think you can strategise out of a building control no-no before throwing you into another construction conundrum.

Flipping Filling!

It is a rare grade 1* game; a flip and fill with a strong theme, and I love it! Multiplayer. Solo. In the flesh or over the internet. I don’t care. This game has me hooked.

And when I found out there were expansions available to the base game. I had to have them. And I do. All SEVEN of them!

Am I crazy? Probably, but not for that reason. Each little box offers a new gaming experience but with the benefit of already knowing 99% of the rules. Another highly thematic board, another set of very unique building contracts, and another opportunity to challenge myself with the flip of three cards.

But for those of you wanting more Welcome To action but not quite ready to go all-in (just give it time), which one(s) should you choose?

Well, that is where I can help you, friends.

I’ve generously volunteered to play them all this month (oh the agony!) and give you the low-down on the high-rise.

So without further ado, let’s break ground and get plotting!

Winter Wonderland

In this variant, the bonus city plan cards are all about making your town sparkle like a winter wonderland. However, mo’ lights can also mean mo’ problems for some streets!

As the three special cards almost contradict each other in terms of objectives, it is a merry miracle that you get to choose just one to use as the no.3 contract in a game. Unless you’re Christmas crazy like us and play with just the three festive plans in which case you really will need to focus on one or two plans.

If you are shooting for the complete street light-up bonanza show plan, then you will have to work out fairly early on which tactic you are going for. The longer, more point heavy highway, or the shorter but more achievable points parade.

I really liked this expansion. The snowy board definitely had me excited for Christmas which, given that we are only in March, is a pretty good achievement on the part of the designer!

Spring Neighbourhood Expansion

Bunnies, daffodils, chicks, and chocolate. The cute, cuddly side of Easter shines out of this colourful expansion. Yett hides a brutal challenge that will have players going loopy. Literally! With contracts that are either dependent upon collecting or abstaining from delicious eggs, this can be one brain burning bunny!

At first sight, collecting eggs (in addition to the usual des res desirables of pools and parks) looks quite straightforward. Some houses have one egg printed on them, others two. Simple, you think as you plan to allocate an appropriate number and reap the delicious rewards.

However, not so fast, my egger architects. In order to gorge on these rich treats, you can only use numbers that include a loop. Even then the number of eggs collected is restricted by the precise number chosen. For example, placing a 6,9,16 on any available egg space will reward a maximum of one egg whereas a 0,8,10 will secure a double yolker on a spot showing two eggs.

It is definitely worth going for eggs, but keep an eye on how many are in your basket for there are huge bonuses available if you can collect 14 or 18 overall – much more valuable than the contracts.

With high numbers of points available in Easter Egg hunt, this variant gets my brain scrambled in the best way!

Welcome To Easter

Summer Neighbourhood Expansion

Summer is here! Summer is here! Ok, so it’s not technically summer yet. However, in Welcome To Ice Cream Truck, it’s definitely time to slap on the suntan cream and eat our own bodyweight in ’99s!

Like Bondi Beach, this variant is hot, it’s crunchy, and there is a lot going on! Whilst the format is the same, the introduction of a travelling ice cream truck on top of the usual contracts and town attractions, is similar to the standalone Welcome to Las Vegas, as discussed in the honourable mentions below. You’re able to gobble up single, double, and triple scoop scoring bonuses. This is only if you’re filling in door numbers as they go in the same direction as Mr Whippy gave me serious brain freeze!

If you try to play all three summer contracts, deciding between strategies in this expansion is dazzlingly difficult, and makes choosing the perfect sun lounger on your holiday getaway seem like a Bahamian breeze.

Mixing in just one certainly gives a lower risk of sunstroke, but the burn is still going to be there. This is because the summer contracts seem tantalisingly achievable. Until, you realise that each ice cream truck is going in precisely the wrong direction to your numbers! Whilst that may mean you can get close enough to lick the drips off the zero ice cream cone estate contract, winning feels like a mystifying mirage.

I love this expansion and, as I ponder and panic over which numbers to choose, I can actually feel a heat haze rising above my overcooked brain!


Zombies. Wait, what? Zombie! Well, that’s just grand because zombies aren’t going to hit real estate prices, now are they? Are they…?

I’ll be the first to admit that I am not the bravest person when it comes to horror, and zombies are right up there in the premium gore-stakes. Whilst the thematic efforts gone to by Benoit and his team are appreciated, these zombies give me the heebie-jeebies!

Building barricades to stop the infection; this expansion is high-stakes survival mode, especially with the new time element added in.

The race is definitely on to protect inhabitants by flipping fences over and keeping the undead out in time to stop the spread.

Although, that makes separating the streets into neighbourhoods and completing contracts mind meltingly tricky, I did feel like a responsible architect for saving the souls inside my houses! If all else fails, you can concentrate on collecting bullets in the ultimate weapon against these Z-list house guests!


Haunted houses and spooky sweets. Nothing screams, family friendly neighbourhood like tiny vampires and little monsters running down suburban streets festooned with candle-lit pumpkins. Nevertheless, dear gamers, this holiday themed expansion has plenty of tricks nestled amongst its treats.

Unlike the base game, this expansion includes a series of additional bonuses that can only be gobbled up by the first player to achieve them. You can’t be too greedy though as only one ghost and one candy-corn bonus per person is allowed. Like a latex mummy mask, they introduce yet another layer of push-you-luck gambling into the game. Play it safe and you’ll get a treat-size bag of extras (one extra park or pool, for example). Risk knocking on a few more doors before you scurry home, and you could score a big sharing-sized points haul. Or you could miss the mark entirely. Spooktastic!

The bonus city cards are a trickier affair, but mixing one in with two base contracts made it slightly less of a monstrous task to achieve! (If you are up for a scare, however, try playing all 3 at once – it is a hilariously hellish task!). I did find the instructions a little unclear in this one. Although, this was an easy fix by heading over to the forum section of the Boardgamegeek webpage. While this was a little bit frustrating, I love the artwork on the boards and there is enough spooky strategy to keep me coming back to Halloween.


Eep! The end of the world is coming! Get to a nuclear bomb-shelter ASAP! Whereas Christmas Lights was all about making your town sparkle, this expansion is all about making sure there are enough residents left to turn the lights back on after the smoke clouds have dissipated!

With contracts heavy on shelters, this variation is a preservation means points bonanza. There is a big bonus for the first player to save fifty residents, and huge boosters up for grabs for the player who saves the most people in every street. However, there is also a small 10 point boost for the player who rushes the least number of residents into the shelters overall. Because of the considerable points difference between the optimist and the pessimist, this can be a little swingy at two players but, with three or more players, this is another great thematic option.

Welcome to Quack (free Print and Play)

In the midst of the Pandemic last year, the designers and publishers released a free expansion to Welcome To as a generous gift to gamers; Quack. What’s even better, it is still available to download on boardgamegeek! Another sweetly themed version, players must reunite wayward ducklings with their parents though making unbroken chains of circled ducks.

Again, like Halloween, there are bigger bonus points for the first person to lead specific colour ducklings back to their mummy mallard or daddy drake. But in another twist (and a way to mitigate runaway leads), if the same architect catches all the ducklings, each player immediately receives a point for every duckling connected to their parent – awwww.

Although the contract cards don’t have massive point scores, the one you add into the mix is probably still worth reaching for, especially as it can be achieved even if the circled ducklings aren’t safely back under their parent’s wing. This was a fun twist on the original Welcome To. As a gift to us die-hard fans, there is no reason not to have it in your collection.

Honourable Mentions:

Welcome to New Las Vegas

Welcome To New Las Vegas didn’t make this list because it is not an expansion to the original Welcome To. It is in fact a standalone game with a different theme and a host of extra twists and turns. If

You’d like to know more about it, click here to read the full review by fellow blogger, Jim Cohen.

Welcome to La Petit Mort  

Due to licensing restrictions in place between the UK and France, the eponymous La Petite Mort (which is based upon the comic book by Davy Mourier) is unfortunately unavailable to purchase here in the UK. This situation may change, as you can probably guess, I will be sure to let you know if it does!

Welcome to Alexis Solo (US only)

Although Welcome To works brilliantly as a solo game (those 27 turns are brutal! Haha), there is a standalone automa which takes the single player experience to another level (or should I say 5 levels as they increase in difficulty!). The automa is truly great, although the scoring rules for it can be a little involved (plus availability in the UK is almost non-existent). On that basis, unless you have “beaten the game” in terms of the base solo experience, there is plenty of mileage in the included single player version to keep Welcome To fans puzzling away day after day without getting bored.


Never did I think I would channel my inner city planner, scrutinizing every street, park, and pool. My weekends used to be all about escaping the hustle and bustle, not recreating it on my dining room table. Fast forward to game night with friends, and there I am, sketching out suburban streets like my life depends on it. How did I get here? Well, it all started four winters ago. I was invited to a board game night, and a lady pulled out this game. I had seen this game at my local board game store, but it looked so dated. I have since stopped judging games by their covers and have become more versed in board game terminology.

Are you ready to love building tiny, gossipy neighborhoods at home? Are you ready to let fate decide that YOU CANNOT PLAY A POOL!? Whether you are or ever wanted to be an urban planner, architect, civil engineer, or designer, it doesn’t matter. Welcome To… is for anyone who has a bit of creativity, is ready for a strategic game, and has a bit of luck. Trust me, I am not handy at all, but I crush it at this game!

Welcome To… is designed by Benoit Turpin and was first published by Blue Cocker Games in 2018. This isn’t your typical roll-and-write game. Instead, it’s a flip-and-write game where you design your ideal 1950s American suburb. For 1-100 players (yes, you read that right). The game takes about 5 minutes to set up and about 15 minutes for two players and 30 minutes for more.

Blueprints and Components

Here’s what you get in the box:

An Intuitive Rulebook: The manual is straightforward and easy to understand

Player Sheets: 100 one sided sheets ready to become your canvas. Each sheet has space for a name and three roads for you to build your perfect little gossipy neighborhoods. On the bottom of each sheet, there are clear instructions to score. The sheets are designed to be clear and user-friendly, with spaces for parks, pools, and fences. We were going to run out of the sheets, so we laminated them

City Plan Cards: These cards provide objectives that players aim to complete for bonus points. They add variety and strategic depth to each game

Construction Cards: These double-sided cards are the heart of the game, depicting house numbers on one side and various effects (parks, pools, fences, etc.) on the other

Player Aids: The player aids are super helpful. They tell you the distribution of cards and what each symbol means. It’s a great addition for new players

Markers and Pens: While not included in the base game, having a set of colorful markers or dry erase pens can enhance your experience by making your plans more vibrant. Since we laminated our game, we keep thin dry-erase markers in multiple colors

Laying the Foundations: Setup

Setup is a breeze. Give each player a sheet and a pen. Shuffle the construction cards and place them in three evently split decks. Lay out the city plan cards, revealing three for the current game one for each number (1, 2, and 3). Flip the first set of cards, and voila! You are ready to start.


How to Play

Welcome To… is played over a series of turns where players simultaneously choose how to develop their suburb. Each turn, three construction cards are flipped, revealing a house number and an effect. Players select a combination and write the house number on their sheet, applying the corresponding effect.

Each neighborhood has three streets. Top street has 10 homes, second one 11, and the last one 12. Players must follow ascending numerical order within each street (numbers can vary from 1 to 15). The effects provide various bonuses, such as:

Parks: Enhance the appeal of your streets for extra points

Pools: Add value to specific houses for bonus points

Fences: Divide your streets into smaller estates, crucial for completing city plans

Bis: Duplicate house numbers to fit more numbers into your neighborhood

Real Estate: Increase the value of your estates

Constructions (they are called Temp Agency, but I don’t like that and I always forget): Add or subtract up to two numbers from the house number drawn

The game ends when one player completes all three city plans, fills all their houses, or is unable to place any more house numbers.


Urban Planning Triumph

The goal in Welcome To… is to build the best suburb, scoring points through house numbers, completed city plans, parks, pools, and the size of your estates. The player with the most points at the end wins.

Strategic Numbering: Choose house numbers wisely to maximize your points and complete city plans.

Optimal Effects: Use effects strategically to enhance your suburb’s value and meet objectives.

Estate Management: Carefully plan your estates to complete city plans and score high in real estate.

Mastering Urban Elegance: Key Features

Welcome To... has the perfect blend of strategy, luck, and creativity.

Flip-and-Write Gameplay: Unlike traditional roll-and-write games, you get to flip cards!

Variety and Replayability and a bunch of expansions if you ever wanna spice it up.

Easy to Learn: The rules are simple, but the strategic depth keeps players coming back for more. The delicate balance between building a perfect street and racing to get the points first is so compelling, and there’s no single way to win. I particularly get stuck on trying to maximize the pool and park points.

Accessible for All ages and type of players.

Enjoy at Any Count: Whether you’re a party of 2 or a group of 10 or more, Welcome To… scales wonderfully. We mostly play it with 2 and 4 players.

Language Independent: The game has no wording on the cards. Once you learn the rules, you can play this with anyone.


Quick Setup: just shuffle the cards, give everyone a sheet, and you are ready to go!

Fast Play: Ideal for game nights or quick sessions, with minimal setup and a brisk pace. It is a great way to get the game night starter. The game is also available in BGA. My wife and I will play it there at times while running errands and waiting for take out.

Engaging and Strategic: Offers a satisfying mix of strategy and chance. I particularly like that you always know what type of construction is next.

High Player Count: Accommodates large groups and plays well solo and in small groups.

Language Independent: The game is language independent and easy to teach!


Limited Player Interaction: The game is more about individual strategy than direct competition, which might not appeal to everyone.

Component Wear: The paper sheets can run out quickly with frequent play. Consider laminating them or using dry-erase pens (so if you make a mistake, you can quickly correct).

No pens or markers included in base game though there is a dry erase marker version. We bought it! It’s worth it because it also comes with four mini expansions. I hear that there is a new version with more expansions. I am on the look out!

Expanding the Neighborhood

For those looking to add more variety and challenges, Welcome To… offers several expansions. There are thematic neighborhoods with unique rules and objectives, such as zombies and ice cream trucks. These expansions introduce seasonal themes and additional effects, offering fresh challenges. They bring new scoring options and strategies, enhancing the base game experience. There is also Welcome to the Moon and Welcome to Las Vegas. I’ve tried many of the mini expansions and Welcome to the Moon and Las Vegas and the original is still my favorite. I am not sure if it’s the fact that we’ve played it so many times that is become familiar or the fact that it is indeed the best version out there

Choosing the Right Expansion:

Here’s a quick guide to choosing the right expansion for your group:

For New Players: Stick with the base game initially to learn the mechanics.

For Thematic Variety: Try the expansions for unique twists and thematic fun.

For More Strategic Depth: Try out Welcome to New Las Vegas

Want to have scaling difficulty levels?: Check out Welcome to the Moon

Final Thoughts: Building a Legacy

Welcome To… transforms the mundane into the extraordinary. The game let’s you become an urban planner in about 20 minutes. Whether you’re a veteran gamer or a curious newcomer, this game is a delightful addition to any collection. So grab your pens, flip those cards, and see if you can create the perfect suburb!

If you’re looking for a game that combines strategy with sprinkles of luck, Welcome To… is a must-try. Dive in, plan your streets, and enjoy the intricate dance of urban design!



Easy to teach
Great for all ages, player count, and type of player


None, this is one of my favorites

Overall score: 95%

Zatu Score


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You might like

  • The really accessible theme.
  • Everyone is playing all of the time.
  • There are so many ways to win.

Might not like

  • You might run out of score sheets one day unless you laminate!
  • You can't really affect other players in the game.