Wastes of Chaos Limited Edition

Wastes of Chaos Limited Edition

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Confront secrets stirring in the dust… Enter devasted lands torn asunder by ghastly creatures and chaos magic. These wastes hide ancient treasures, potent magic, and abandoned cities waiting to be discovered or refusing to stay buried. Tales from the Wastes brings you fast-paced 5th Edition adventures set in twisted locations packed with memorable NPCs. Inside this tome, find: …
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Confront secrets stirring in the dust… Enter devasted lands torn asunder by ghastly creatures and chaos magic. These wastes hide ancient treasures, potent magic, and abandoned cities waiting to be discovered or refusing to stay buried. Tales from the Wastes brings you fast-paced 5th Edition adventures set in twisted locations packed with memorable NPCs.
Inside this tome, find:

15 New single session adventures, suitable for levels 1 18, playable separately or in sequence
New environmental hazards to face, mysteries to unravel, and encounters with terrifying villains
15 Full-page, full-color maps and dozens of illustrations
New monsters, NPCs, magic items, and easy prep for your next game!
Enter the wastes and embrace full metal mayhem!