Washington's War
  • bgg-golden-geek

Washington's War

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Washington’s War features a dice-driven combat system that quickly resolves combat and is very friendly to Internet play. The game also features a new CDG discard mechanic that makes every card in your hand playable by allowing your opponent to buy his discarded events for an operations card. Now, unusual card distributions create challenges and not insurmountable barriers for adv…
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Washington’s War features a dice-driven combat system that quickly resolves combat and is very friendly to Internet play. The game also features a new CDG discard mechanic that makes every card in your hand playable by allowing your opponent to buy his discarded events for an operations card. Now, unusual card distributions create challenges and not insurmountable barriers for advancing your strategy.

The biggest design changes between We the People and Washington's War, besides the aforementioned new game mechanics, is the increased emphasis on the asymmetrical capabilities of the two sides. The British are a conventional army with a dominant naval capability that gives them great strengths in the coastal regions. The Americans are an unconvential force with a small Contintental Army led by George Washington who yearn for French intervention. While the British struggle to expand their influence inland, the Americans struggle to keep their militia forces in the field. In the end it is the side that is better able to play to their strengths and protect their vulnerabilities that prevails in Washington's War.

  • 2 players
  • 90 minutes playing time