Warpath Firefight Rulebook

Warpath Firefight Rulebook

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Firefight is a medium-scale skirmish wargame set in the same exciting universe. It goes deeper into the action, zooming in and allowing you to decide the fate of your soldiers in smaller conflicts. The game focuses on squad-based action and individual soldiers, where the stakes are desperate and every bullet counts. Firefight uses the Warpath miniatures range and shares some core me…
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Firefight is a medium-scale skirmish wargame set in the same exciting universe. It goes deeper into the action, zooming in and allowing you to decide the fate of your soldiers in smaller conflicts. The game focuses on squad-based action and individual soldiers, where the stakes are desperate and every bullet counts. Firefight uses the Warpath miniatures range and shares some core mechanics, however the gameplay is more focused on the fate of individual units to ensure you have a totally different sci-fi gaming experience. This rulebook contains everything you need to know to play Firefight?s strategic skirmishes.