Warmachine: Southern Kriels Brineblood Marauders Core Expansion

Warmachine: Southern Kriels Brineblood Marauders Core Expansion

RRP: $129.99
Now $130.55(SAVE 21%)
RRP $165.99
Expected Release Date 04/12/2024
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The Brineblood Marauders hound the coast of Immoren, as merciless as they are merry and reaving riches and revenge in equal parts, their due for the injustices nations of men have inflicted on troll-kind. Expand your collection with a host of options for your army. Take to the field with a brand new Warlock to keep your opponents guessing, and bolster your battlegroup with a new ch…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZSFG-SFIK-SKR121 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The Brineblood Marauders hound the coast of Immoren, as merciless as they are merry and reaving riches and revenge in equal parts, their due for the injustices nations of men have inflicted on troll-kind.

Expand your collection with a host of options for your army. Take to the field with a brand new Warlock to keep your opponents guessing, and bolster your battlegroup with a new character Warbeast. Open up a world of new strategic choices for defeating your foes with a variety of new units, a command attachment, and a solo, and increase the size of your force to play 75pt games.


Warlock Admiral Boomhowler

Great Old One Character Heavy Warbeast (Character Parts & Variant Chassis)

Marauder Crew Unit

Pyg Boarding Party Unit

Pyg Galley Unit

Marauder Crew Quartermaster Command Attachment

Marauder Crew Tapper Command Attachment

Booty Boss Solo