Warmachine: Southern Kriels Brineblood Marauders Auxiliary Expansion

Warmachine: Southern Kriels Brineblood Marauders Auxiliary Expansion

RRP: £119.99
Now £94.59(SAVE 21%)
RRP £119.99
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As war ravages the Iron Kingdoms, the Brineblood Marauders prowl the waters in search of their next prize, their crews organised into a mighty and varied fleet in the face of their enemies. Specialise your existing force with new tactical options, including a new Warlock, a new unit, three command attachments to really customise your force, and four solos – or add these elements …
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Category Tags , , SKU ZSFG-SFIK-SKR122 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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As war ravages the Iron Kingdoms, the Brineblood Marauders prowl the waters in search of their next prize, their crews organised into a mighty and varied fleet in the face of their enemies.

Specialise your existing force with new tactical options, including a new Warlock, a new unit, three command attachments to really customise your force, and four solos – or add these elements to your army to increase your games to 100pt showdowns, where the ground will tremble as you march to total war…


Warlock Captain Shadowtongue

Pyg Shockers Unit

Marauder Crew Bosun Command Attachment

Pyg Coxswain Command Attachment

First Mate Hargor Stormjaw Solo

Surgeon Solo

Pyg Cannon Crew Solo

Pyg Dirge Solo