Warmachine: Khymaera Shadowflame Shard Auxiliary Expansion

Warmachine: Khymaera Shadowflame Shard Auxiliary Expansion

RRP: £119.99
Now £94.59(SAVE 21%)
RRP £119.99
Expected Release Date 04/03/2025
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After the tentative scout patrol strikes, the heavy infantry follow in a tide of harmonious metal and flesh, savage in its unrelenting purpose of claiming yet more resources to grow the Shadowflame Shard. Specialise your existing force with new tactical options, including a new Warlock, three units, and three solos – or add these elements to your army to increase your games to 10…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZSFG-SFIK-KMR145 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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After the tentative scout patrol strikes, the heavy infantry follow in a tide of harmonious metal and flesh, savage in its unrelenting purpose of claiming yet more resources to grow the Shadowflame Shard.

Specialise your existing force with new tactical options, including a new Warlock, three units, and three solos – or add these elements to your army to increase your games to 100pt showdowns, where the ground will tremble as you march to total war…


Warlock Nyxyan, The Stygian Coil
Talon Lashers Unit
Talon Death Dealers Unit
Wyrmspine Cinderbacks Unit
Ryvyn, The Onyx Rampant Solo
Spinner Solo
Wraithwing Paragon Solo