Warhammer: Underworlds - Grandfather'S Gardeners

Warhammer: Underworlds – Grandfather’S Gardeners

RRP: £27.50
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RRP £27.50
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Spread decay and resilience with Grandfather’s Gardeners. This Mastery warband of Plaguebearers thrives on the cycle of rot, weathering enemy attacks while unleashing deadly blows. A must-have for fans of Nurgle’s unyielding power.

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Spread decay and resilience with Grandfather’s Gardeners. This Mastery warband of Plaguebearers thrives on the cycle of rot, weathering enemy attacks while unleashing deadly blows. A must-have for fans of Nurgle’s unyielding power.


Spread decay and resilience with Grandfather’s Gardeners. This Mastery warband of Plaguebearers thrives on the cycle of rot, weathering enemy attacks while unleashing deadly blows. A must-have for fans of Nurgle’s unyielding power.