Warhammer: The Horus Heresy - The End and the Death Volume 1 - Paperback

Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – The End and the Death Volume 1 – Paperback

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After war across countless planets, and untold numbers of deaths, the Warmaster has arrived and the final hour is nigh. The End and the Death: Volume I is Dan Abnett’s capstone to the Siege of Terra and Horus Heresy series, the first part of a trilogy that brings the Emperor into confrontation with his prodigal son. You’ll be able to pre-order this landmark novel in paperback next…
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After war across countless planets, and untold numbers of deaths, the Warmaster has arrived and the final hour is nigh. The End and the Death: Volume I is Dan Abnett’s capstone to the Siege of Terra and Horus Heresy series, the first part of a trilogy that brings the Emperor into confrontation with his prodigal son. You’ll be able to pre-order this landmark novel in paperback next week.